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Who We Are

Matthew B. Farlie, Co-Founder and Director of Business Development

Matt Farlie’s resume combines the experience of a seasoned college newspaper editor with that of a public relations professional at one of the fastest-paced companies in the business. Just a few years back, Matt was working on the Georgetown University twice-weekly college newspaper, The Hoya. During his seven-semester stint on the paper, he served in just about every role from Assistant Entertainment Editor to Managing Editor.

After graduating from Georgetown, he took a job with Burson-Marsteller, a corporate PR agency in New York, working in the consumer-products marketing group. There, he primarily worked with several food-industry clients, including several Fortune 100 companies. He also gained experience on a healthcare account and business-to-business accounts.

It was at Burson-Marsteller that a client project led him to investigate a hunch further – that companies needed a convenient and uniform way to market to college students through their media. That hunch later turned into the Collegiate Presswire business plan.

After assembling a core team to help launch the company, Farlie and a small group of associates set out to make his 30-page plan a reality – and, in the process, began re-defining how companies market to college students and interact with collegiate media.

Farlie is a graduate of Georgetown University in Washington, DC, with a bachelor’s in English and a minor in History. When not throwing Collegiate Presswire stress-balls at his office wall, you can find Matt drinking coffee, Coke or anything else with a high caffeine content.


Andrew C. Turner, Co-Founder and Director of On-Line Services


Lisa Bannerot, Co-Founder and Director of Client Services

Lisa Bannerot is the Director of Client Services for Collegiate Presswire. Her responsibilities include working with existing clients to meet their publicity needs, growing their Collegiate Presswire business and enhancing the service our company offers to them as clients. In addition, Lisa oversees the accounts side of the business, keeping track of who ordered what, who’s paid up and who still owes money to the company.

She has a strong advertising background. Prior to joining Collegiate Presswire, she worked in New York City at Saatchi and Saatchi DFS Compton and J. Walter Thompson. She was Media Planning Supervisor and has an extensive knowledge of media including newspaper, TV, radio, magazine and outdoor media. She placed media for well-known national clients such as Procter and Gamble, Lever Brothers, Benetton Clothing and Goodyear. Her work on the Benetton account, in particular, gave her a solid understanding of the college market.

She is a graduate of Smith College with a bachelor’s degree in Art History. She attended Harvard University for her junior year.


Eric S. Beiter, Director of Sales

Eric is the newest member of the Collegiate Presswire team, having recently joined the company from Copyrights America, where he acted as a licensing agent for writers and artists. Prior to that, Eric’s resume includes Ad Agency experience with Devon Direct, and in-house marketing experience in the telecommunications industry.

Eric will be responsible for the growth and maintenance of the company’s client-base, in addition to overseeing all marketing operations. His main focus will be on driving the company’s expanding product and service offerings into current and new markets, increasing already-strong corporate partnerships.

Born and raised in New Jersey, Eric is a graduate of Drew University in Madison, New Jersey, where he majored in History and minored in Sociology. He also played varsity soccer and is currently a scratch golfer (as in scratch that 8 and make it a 4). You can often find Eric wondering the Collegiate Presswire halls in possession of a Taylor Made Graphite Driver that he’s too lazy to sell on eBay.

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