From Collegiate Presswire ( Government
MEDIA ADVISORY--(COLLEGIATE PRESSWIRE)--April 18, 2006--The biggest scam in the history of mankind has been in operation in America for almost 100 years. Trillions and trillions of dollars have been unlawfully taken from the American people. Conclusive proof of the scam is set forth in a book by Hugh W. Johnston titled, �Second Declaration of Independence�. It will be dated July 4, 2006 and released the next day.
The Federal Reserve System of Banks is a privately-owned corporate entity, which not only unlawfully controls our money, but also unlawfully controls the three branches of our government. Proof is also included showing the Federal Reserve Act, passed Christmas week in 1913, is Unconstitutional. The unlawful operation of the Federal Reserve has been allowed to exist and continue due to the betrayal of the duties owed to the American people by our government and the major media outlets.
The book contains an official copy of the original stockholders of the New York Federal Reserve Bank established in 1914. Surprisingly, they are the large international banks controlled by the wealthiest families in America and Europe. They also control the Federal Reserve Banks in the eleven other districts.
Many of our founding fathers said the only way America could ever be destroyed, was from within. �For the future of America, this book is presented in a simple, very descriptive manner. It clearly identifies how America is being destroyed, the people doing it and how we can put a stop to it,� Johnston said.
FOUNDATION ESTABLISHED In honor of four of America�s greatest champions of freedom, The Jefferson- Lincoln-Kennedy-King Foundation has been established. Its purpose is to preserve our Constitution and have a government of the people, by the people, for the people -- so that all citizens can enjoy the American Dream. America will demonstrate to the world how we can live in peace and have all people enjoy their country's dream.
The �Second Declaration of Independence� sets out a plan how the people, acting within the provisions of our Constitution, can get rid of The Fed and regain control of our country. For information on how to be an original signor of the Declaration and about the book, which will be online, visit our web-sites at or
Contact: Hugh W. Johnston National Director The Jefferson-Lincoln-Kennedy-King Foundation
e-mail: [email protected] © Copyright 2007 Collegiate Presswire, Inc. and The Jefferson-Lincoln-Kennedy-King Foundation |