From Collegiate Presswire ( Education, from GARP Digital Library, a division of the Global Association of Risk Professionals JERSEY CITY, NJ --(COLLEGIATE PRESSWIRE)--Oct. 6, 2006--College students are spending on average $1,063 a year on textbooks. Only select chapters of each book are used for class � often times many chapters remain unread. iReadings � a unique site where students can purchase only those chapters required for their classes and save money.
Purchase, download and print chapters from for a fraction of the cost � buy only what you need. iReadings puts the world of business school textbooks at your fingertips, offering highly recommended readings on all areas of finance.
The goal of iReadings is to provide students and professionals with convenient access to the best educational material and information. To achieve this goal, iReadings has applied the iTunes model to finance textbooks � at iReadings, you can purchase and immediately download electronic copies of individual chapters from a wide variety of finance textbooks for as little as $2.25.
iReadings is in partnership with the world�s largest book publishers including: John Wiley & Sons, McGraw-Hill, Princeton University Press, Addison-Wesley, Bloomberg Press, Blackwell Publishing, Euromoney Books, Risk Books and many more coming soon. We have and will continue to build the library collection to meet the needs of anyone interested in financial markets, from the interested executive to the curious student to the most senior quantitative researcher.
iReadings also includes a course pack builder that allows Students, Professors and Instructors to build course packs comprised of chapters from multiple books and multiple publishers quickly and easily without any permission process. Send us your syllabus today and we will create a course pack for you and your classmates to take advantage of at in less than 24 hours.
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