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Features Syndicate FAQ's

What is the Collegiate Presswire Features Syndicate?

The Collegiate Presswire Features Syndicate is a new, free content "feed" being rolled out by Collegiate Presswire, which will carry original newspaper features to your In-Box on a regular basis. One day each week, we will be syndicating a puzzle, and the next, a column. As we sign up new features, we will be developing a schedule so that you know what you will receive on what day.


But we currently pay for those kind of! Is CP charging for this?

No. As we said earlier this year, Collegiate Presswire is dedicated to bringing you the best features direct to your e-mail In-Box on a regular basis for free. As former college newspaper editors, we’ve been in your shoes before, so we know what budget constraints you’re up against. And, by the way, if you read further down, you’ll see why we don’t have to charge you.


How is this different from other college media wire services and their content?

Actually it’s pretty innovative. Some wire services charge hefty annual fees to give you original content. You pay them and they develop puzzles, stories, polls and more for you. The advantage is that it’s never before been seen, anywhere – in other words, it’s original. Then there are other wire services, which provide content – for free – that’s already run in another paper. Granted, it’s new-to-you, but it’s still used editorial copy. We’re breaking away from these two models and offering original content for free – thus, you get all sorts of features that have never appeared in other newspapers, and you get them at no charge.


So how does it "pay for itself"?

We knew you’d be interested. We’ve assembled a small army of creative types to develop the weekly features, and we’re augmenting our creatives with creatives from other companies. The Internet content industry has a term for this: We’re an "aggregate." Unfortunately, creatives don’t work for free. So how’s it going to work, you ask?

Here’s the straight talk: Our member companies will sponsor these features, and allow us to bring them to you for free, provided you agree to a few things. In sponsoring the features, we sell these companies a "tag-line" (in small letters below the puzzle) that says: "Brought to you by Company X, located online at www.companyx.com" And, in order to print these features, we require that you keep that tag-line in the puzzle.  And, if you run a puzzle, we ask that you drop us a note so we can add your newspaper to our weekly Sponsorship Report, to show these companies how many copies of the puzzle were printed.


Does the circulation of my newspaper matter regarding my commitment?

No. Again, all costs of development and syndication are underwritten by CP member companies. You can reprint the materials for 100 readers or 10,000 – you got it, for free.


How does this differ from the CPWire Press Releases?

Collegiate Presswire is actually launching the Features Syndicate as an in-line content "feed," meaning that you will get these bundled with the press releases we’ve been sending you already. However, you must continue to receive the press material feed in order to receive (and use) the Features Syndicate.


Do I need to sign up elsewhere to receive this new feed?

No. All Collegiate Presswire recipients as of February   1, 1999 will be added to the distribution list and will receive the materials by e-mail, exactly as we’ve been sending the releases.


Speaking of the new feed, how will the Features arrive?

For smaller, text-based features (columns and such), they will arrive in the daily e-mail packets. For larger, graphics-based ones (the puzzles), you will have to go to our Web site, to the Features Syndicate page, and download the file. (It will be available in PDF of JPG format). You will also receive a reminder notice each week, letting you know when the new puzzles (or other graphical features) are posted for your retrieval.


Can I reprint any of the CP Features if I am not a subscribing newspaper?

No, sorry. It’s a legal thing, since there’s a copyright involved. So subscribe already – after all, it’s free!


Can other non-college newspapers or publications reprint the CP Features?

Give us a call or send an e-mail to [email protected] with your specific request. While we traditionally focus on the student media alone, all requests will be considered. Unless, of course, you’re a competitor to Collegiate Presswire. :-)


Is there anything else I should know about the new Features Syndicate?

Collegiate Presswire wants to thank all of you who have suggested we try something like this. We are proud to bring you quality, new editorial material and, at the same time, hope you find the new service appealing, useful and entertaining – and we look forward to continuing this kind of innovation in the future.


I’ve got another idea for future development! Can I send it to you?

Sure. Send a note to [email protected], and we will consider it. Be sure to give us some contact information if we want to get in touch with you to discuss the idea further.


OK, I’m interested. How do I sign up to receive the wire’s feeds?

Just fill out this form, call us at 888-621-7721 or send an e-mail with the usual contact information.

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