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Services For Communications Professionals

Collegiate Presswire offers four unique services that can assist you in running an effective public relations, branding or monitoring campaign targeting the college market.

PressWire is our flagship distribution service for reaching the collegiate media with your press releases, new flashes, media alerts and product announcements. Our full national distribution circuit, with more than 780 subscribing college media outlets, reaches more than 800 editors at colleges, universities, higher-education trade publications and student-oriented websites on a daily basis. We have a variety of distribution packages that will provide you with enhanced services, such as targeted or broad exposure, as well as e-mail or fax distribution options.

Our PressWatch service monitors more than 200 online college newspapers each day. We have successfully monitored the largest college papers for article placements as well as mentions of brand names, trademarks and competitors. PressWatch is also great for monitoring hot issues and topics in college, keeping you informed of what's being said on campus and who they are saying it about.

CPFoto, our newest service offering, allows you to post production-ready pictures, graphics or other images on our highly-trafficked website to accompany your press release. For added visibility, your photo will be available both on our main website and, our exclusive photo portal for student editors. Best of all, by using a totally-electronic distribution system, you won’t have to worry about garbled images, poor scans or bad crops ruining your important publicity photos when they appear in print.

Corporate Sponsorship of our syndicated features provides a unique opportunity to place your name in front of thousands of college students for a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising. Our catalog of features, including a crossword puzzle, wordsearch, cartoons and more, appear in campus papers all over the country each week. Through sponsorship, your brand credit will appear within each feature, practically assuring that you receive the name-recognition that is often overlooked in traditional and costly advertisements.    

Services For Campus Print Media

Collegiate Presswire offers several unique services to assist student editors’ content needs on deadline, and help them get their jobs done easier, more efficiently and more effectively.

As a reminder, all the services are – and will always be – free for student media outlets. Here's a look at what we offer:

Press materials, media alerts and more – Our PressWire service is a daily, electronic wire service which carries press releases and ready to content via email and fax to more than 780 college media outlets nationwide. The press releases, issued by Americas’ top companies and organizations, contain ‘news you can use’ and are targeted to today’s college students. Topics range from education to technology to health and fashion, and each day promises something different. Press materials are perfect for generating article ideas, news briefs or mentioning on-campus events in your campus calendar. PressWire is unique because it leaves the actual story-writing up to your staff. We let you put your writers to work, and simply provide material for you to peruse when assigning stories. (Click here for a sample)

CPFotos - was created out of a need in the collegiate-media space for a photo-distribution wire, which would carry press-ready photos from newspaper to newspaper.  In addition, CPFoto is utilized by companies, organizations and businesses to syndicate publicity and press photos about upcoming events, new products and services. Full reprint permissions for the photos are granted by Collegiate Presswire.

Ready-to-run articles – Collegiate Presswire occasionally feeds original stories of interest to its member newspapers, ranging from interviews to movie reviews to op/ed pieces. Working with our clients, ranging from companies to PR agencies, we have access to top-notch interview and publicity opportunities, and we’re happy to pass these along to our subscribing newspapers.

Original, Syndicated Features – Collegiate Presswire’s Features Syndicate is an ideal, free alternative to the high price your publication pays for content including crosswords and cartoons. This exclusive service for our PressWire members offers ready-to-run features that you can download and place directly into your publication. We are able to provide these features to you at no charge because we have companies who sponsor them in return for a small credit line placed underneath each feature. The Features Syndicate currently offers a crossword puzzle, two cartoons and a word search puzzle, all of which are updated once a week for your use. All features are ready to download from our website at any time of the week — which makes them perfect for regular use or simply on an as-needed basis.

CP Connect – Collegiate Presswire is proud to introduce our latest innovation in our effort to assist student journalists, CP Connect. This new service facilitates communication and information exchange between student journalists and press-release sources. At the click of a button, reporters can request more information about a story, get photos or press kits sent to them, or even set up an interview with the publicist or source responsible for the story. Working with a press release and CP Connect -- it doesn’t get any easier!

Services For Campus Broadcast Media

Collegiate Presswire offers two unique services to assist college broadcasters’ content needs, and help them get their jobs done easier, more efficiently and more effectively.

As a reminder, these services are – and will always be – free to use for college media personnel. Here's a look at what we offer:  

RadioWire – Our RadioWire service is a twice-weekly, electronic wire service which carries media advisories and links to downloadable, ready-to-air content via email to hundreds of college radio stations nationwide. These alerts, from America’s top companies and organizations, contain ‘news you can use’ on topics of interest to today’s college students. Subjects range from education and technology to health and fashion, and each day promises something different. These advisories are hyperlinked to our Website, where you can download more information or multimedia files which are ready to place on the air. For college radio personnel, RadioWire offers high-quality content in a versatile format that’s ready to take the pressure off the daily crunch for news and features material.

CP Connect – Collegiate Presswire’s newest service, CP Connect, facilitates communication and information exchange between student broadcasters and media-alert sources on the RadioWire feed. With the click of a mouse, you can request more information about a specific story, receive full-text press releases or scripts to accompany the story, request a hard-copy tape or even download a ready-to-air computer audio file of the story. Using CP Connect’s one-click system will get what you need for your broadcast. It just doesn’t get any easier!


We're pleased to introduce the first redesign of our Website in two years.

Let us know what you think by sending an email to us at [email protected] 


Did You Know?
Collegiate Presswire's Campus One national distribution circuit now has more than 780 college newspapers and publications?


Buy and Save!
Collegiate Presswire now offers bulk discounts for distribution of your press releases.



Copyright � 2002 Collegiate Presswire, Inc.
Phone: (888) 621-7721 • Email: [email protected]


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