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1. What is Collegiate Presswire?
     Collegiate Presswire is a comprehensive, electronic press material and feature distribution service, carrying student-oriented press releases, media alerts and original, ready-to-run stories from companies and organizations direct to editors at campus media outlets nationwide.

2. How does it work?
     Each weekday afternoon, we send an e-mail or fax packet of press releases electronically to hundreds of college newspaper editors who have asked to receive Collegiate Presswire. These packets contain full-text press releases and ready-to-run stories on a variety of topics for your perusal. They also contain links to our World Wide Web site (https://www.cpwire.com), where you’ll find graphics, logos and other visuals to accompany the releases and stories, available for viewing or downloading.

3. What is the cost to receive Collegiate Presswire’s e-mail packets?
     For student journalists, there is none. The entire cost of distribution is paid for by the companies whose news we bring to you.

4. I’m not a member. How do I join?
     The quickest way to begin receiving Collegiate Presswire is to fill out a form by clicking on the "Get Wired" button on the left-hand side of this screen. Additionally, you may also send us an e-mail with your name, address, newspaper name, phone number, fax number and e-mail address to [email protected] with the words "Get Wired" in the subject line. You will be added within 24 to 48 hours, and your confirmation will be receipt of your first e-mail packet. If e-mail and the Web are not your thing, you may also call our Newsroom at (888) 621-7721 and speak to a staff member.

5. No cost. No nagging. What’s the catch?
     There is none. More than anything, we need editors – like you – to read the material that we’re carrying on our clients’ behalf. It’s a symbiotic relationship, really. If you read our e-mail packets regularly, we’ll promote your paper with our clients and continue feeding quality news and feature copy to you each day.

6. What kinds of items are in a typical Collegiate Presswire packet?
     The service’s e-mail packets basically contain two kinds of items. First, are the press materials that we run straight from our clients. We don’t edit, change or modify them in any way. Then, there are cross-reference links to our Web site where you can find contact information as well as an occasional visual or multimedia file. Both are available for viewing or downloading – the choice is yours. Need a graphic for a story on a band you read about in a Collegiate Presswire packet? Need a multimedia clip for your paper’s online edition? Look like a hero and surf on over to www.cpwire.com -- your connection to the publicity departments of the biggest and best brand names in the college market.

7. Is there anything I can do in return?
There is nothing you HAVE to do. However, we do really appreciate tear-sheets when you use a story idea, or download and reprint a Syndicated Feature. We’re trying to fill up our Wall of Fame and we’d love to put your paper on it.

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� 2002 Collegiate Presswire. All rights reserved.
1-(888)-621-7721 / [email protected]