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   This is our Syndicated Features page, where you can download high-quality editorial content – including a crossword puzzle, cartoons, and a word search for FREE. Each Feature will be updated once a week, so please check back often.

   Click on each Feature to be directed to its download page. After downloading a feature, please let us know you used it by sending an e-mail to [email protected] and mailing a tear-sheet of your newspaper to us after publication. Thank you!

Collegiate Presswire is proud to feature the work of  Brian Fairrington, an award-winning student media cartoonist, and will distribute his cartoon via the Collegiate Presswire Features Syndicate. The cartoon, which will be distributed twice-weekly, will vary by subject – always remaining timely, humorous, insightful and visually well-done.

The Bell Curve combines unique single-panel drawings with hysterically funny copy. The result is a witty and entertaining cartoon that makes fun of everyday things that go on around us.

Collegiate Presswire is proud to unveil its new word search puzzle, offering editors a chance to add some interactivity to their pages. The puzzle, which contains approximately a dozen words, focuses on seasonal topics and college life.

Collegiate Presswire’s original crossword puzzle appears weekly in campus publications around the country, offering readers an exciting challenge and editors a quality feature on an ongoing basis.     

The puzzle, composed around the 15-by-15 industry standard, contains words and clues on a variety of subjects, ranging from travel and geography to famous faces and colloquialisms.

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