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Campus Pipeline 3.0 Web Platform Now Available

Thursday, June 21, 2001 3:00 PM
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Fourth Version of the Widely-Used Web Platform Offers Integration with the iPlanet Directory and Messaging Servers and Enhanced Features to Deliver Fully Integrated Digital Campuses for Higher Education

SALT LAKE CITY--(BUSINESS WIRE via COLLEGIATE PRESSWIRE)--Jun 21, 2001--Campus Pipeline Inc., a developer of Web-integration software and technologies for connecting the entire collegiate campus enterprise, Thursday announced that its next generation product, the Campus Pipeline(TM) 3.0 Web platform, is now available.

The Campus Pipeline Web platform integrates academics, administration and community life into a central network of people and services -- unifying the digital campus. The Web platform integrates seamlessly with SCT Banner(R) and SCT Plus(TM) systems, and uses open technology standards that allow integration with any college or university`s existing student information system (SIS).

After participating in a closed beta program for the 3.0 Web platform, Katie Sweeney, Webmaster and Campus Pipeline systems administrator at Santa Barbara Community College, reported, ''The 3.0 technology has proven to be very stable and reliable. We plugged it in and it worked.

''In addition, the Campus Pipeline Services team has shown dedication in ensuring that the platform will continue to improve the campus experience and build communities among our more than 15,000 students, faculty, and staff.

''The Campus Pipeline Web platform has proven to be a smart investment and has helped us achieve our goal of making SBCC a digital campus -- meaning all announcements, many courses, and administrative services are delivered online.''

''The results we`ve achieved by using the Campus Pipeline Web platform to power our online one-stop for services, PepperdineXpress, have been outstanding,'' noted Dan Kelo, manager of special projects, Pepperdine University.

''As a result, we chose to beta test the product and have opted for the traditional license of the 3.0 Web platform. We are very pleased with the additional customization tools provided, and we continue to be impressed with the responsiveness and professionalism of Campus Pipeline Services.''

The Campus Pipeline 3.0 Web platform includes:

-- Communications Suite. The Campus Pipeline Communications Suite will integrate with the iPlanet(TM) Directory Server and the iPlanet(TM) Messaging Server products, to provide robust Web-based email functionality. These enhancements will supplement the Web platform`s existing message boards, chat features, and targeted announcement capabilities.

-- Campus Pipeline Course Tools. Through integration with a school`s SIS, course pages are automatically created for every course a school offers. By providing this resource complete with course announcements, secure chat rooms and message boards, automatically populated and updated email lists, and the ability to add links and documents, Campus Pipeline course tools ensure every faculty member can quickly and easily offer students Web tools that complement classroom learning.

-- Intuitive User Interface. Improvements make navigation faster and easier for all campus constituents -- students, faculty, staff, and administrators.

-- Single sign-on WebCT Integration. Delivering on the promise of the WebCT, SCT, Campus Pipeline Alliance, Campus Pipeline 3.0 will provide single sign-on and visual integration for WebCT Campus Edition 3.5 course tools as well as support visual/data integration provided through the SCT Connection for WebCT, a product of SCT.

Campus Pipeline has also introduced Consulting, Training, Support, and Technical Services to assist schools through every phase of implementing the 3.0 Web platform, from planning, installation, and migration to change management and ongoing maintenance.

The new Campus Pipeline Support Center ( is the single 24x7 source for technical support on Campus Pipeline products, replacing SCT`s ActionLine.

''With support and input from our schools, we continue to develop and deliver the technology and services that they need in order to connect disparate technologies and create online communities or `unify their digital campuses,`'' said Tom Lewis, chairman and chief executive officer, Campus Pipeline.

''The inclusion of iPlanet technology in this latest version also demonstrates our focus on growth, by aligning with leading companies and seeking out technologies that further enhance our development efforts and move the company forward at an accelerated pace.''

For questions regarding the Campus Pipeline 3.0 Web platform or consulting, training, and support services, please call 888/682-7473 or visit our Web site at

About Campus Pipeline Inc.

Campus Pipeline is a developer of Web-integration technologies and services for connecting the entire collegiate campus enterprise and was recently named one of UPSIDE Magazine`s ''Hot 100'' private companies. The company collaborates with colleges and universities to create comprehensive digital campuses for the delivery of information and services within higher education communities.

Through the Campus Pipeline Web platform, the company helps schools integrate campus communication, academic resources, administrative services, campus news, distance learning, and all other Web applications securely together online. More than 65 leading colleges and universities worldwide use the Campus Pipeline Web platform.

The Salt Lake City-based company is backed by investors including American Express, Dell Computer Corp., General Motors, Hewlett-Packard, Inktomi, Lynx Technology, and SCT and has strategic relationships with companies including Educational Testing Services, Oracle Corp., Sun Microsystems, TIAA-CREF and WebCT. For more information, visit or call 888/682-PIPE.

Campus Pipeline is a trademark of Campus Pipeline Inc.

SCT and Banner are registered trademarks and SCT Plus is a trademark of Systems & Computer Technology Corp.

Sun, Sun Microsystems, the Sun Logo and iPlanet are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems Inc. in the United States and other countries. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.

Source: Campus Pipeline Inc.

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