SEATTLE--(BUSINESS WIRE via COLLEGIATE PRESSWIRE)--Oct 15, 2002--The first contest in U.S. history to award innovative healthcare ideas with cash prizes, scholarships and the chance to influence legislation is now accepting student entries. Longtime consumer advocate, author and industry whistle blower, Kathleen O`Connor, is funding the contest with her own money.
''An accountable healthcare system doesn`t exist in this country,'' says Kathleen O`Connor, who wrote The Buck Stops Nowhere: Why America`s Healthcare is All Dollars and No Sense. ''What we have is a business-to-business enterprise that is in an irreparable crisis. We need new ideas and we need them now, so I am putting my money where my mouth is.''
The winning proposal will use guiding principles to lay the foundation for a sustainable system of healthcare in America. Twelve semi-finalists will defend their ideas at the ''Build an American Health System'' Summit in fall of 2003. The top three proposals will be presented to a Congressional delegation.
''I`m entering the contest as a way to get heard by individuals that are far more qualified than me to facilitate real change,'' says Howard Mahran, CTO of Nexcura Inc. ''The healthcare industry is like a deer stuck in headlights. It`s frozen without any new ideas as it collapses from its own weight.''
O`Connor has posted a $10,000 cash prize for first place and a scholarship for the strongest proposal coming from a student. She hopes to up the ante of these awards with donations from like-minded advocates.
Judges include: Edward F. Howard, JD (Exec VP, Alliance for Health Reform), Thomas D. Aschenbrener, MEd. (President, NW Health Foundation), Andrew Holtz (Principal, The Holtz Report and President, Association of Health Care Journalists), Clement Bezold, PhD (president of the Institute for Alternative Futures and Alternative Futures Associates), Jose Gonzalez, MHA (President and CEO, Latino Health Care), among others.
Contest details available at
About Kathleen O`Connor
A twenty-plus year veteran of the healthcare industry, Kathleen O`Connor is a nationally recognized analyst and consumer advocate for healthcare reform. The 2002 recipient of Leadership Tomorrow`s prestigious Outstanding Alumni Award and the International Community Leadership Association`s Distinguished Leadership Award, O`Connor is the author of The Buck Stops Nowhere: Why America`s Healthcare is All Dollars and No Senses. She writes a regular column for the Seattle Times (, and publishes The O`Connor Report: Insights and Commentaries on Healthcare Today. Visit