Offers Students Income Opportunities While in School and a Guaranteed Job After Graduation
RADIO ADVISORY--(COLLEGIATE PRESSWIRE)--Jan 21, 2003--Computers help make your life easier and more efficient, but wasting valuable time on a computer system that is down can be very frustrating. If you�re in need of computer assistance, don�t waste any more time rummaging through manuals or waiting on hold. Call in the professionals from Juvio!
For a low monthly rate, you get 24-hour, on-call help whenever you need it � as often as you need it. No more waiting on hold. No more confusing email FAQ. If something isn�t working as it should, call us and Juvio can help fix the problem immediately. A live technician will walk you step-by-step through the repair. We have experts in every type of hardware and software available and our professionals are skilled communicators who will assist you in plain English that you can understand, not techno-jargon.
Access Juvio via our toll-free telephone number, through email, by Instant Messaging or remote hosting. Go to to find out more.
Know a thing or two about computers?
Juvio also offers another service: jobs. Juvio is seeking students to help market its service to their peers and local businesses, and earn money in the process. Why wait for a job to find you? Juvio is hiring people every week for various positions in Sales, Marketing, Accounting, Managing, Information Technology, Quality Assurance, and many others.
Why not make money at the same time you are in school? No more tedious interviews, no more waiting by the phone to see if you got the job, because Juvio already has a job lined up for you. And if you prove to Juvio that you are dedicated and driven while in school, you can have a job waiting for you when you graduate.
What Juvio offers you? * Security in knowing that you have a job after school * Financial security while in school * Health Benefits * Ability to focus on school * Freedom of time, your most important asset * Financed move to San Diego * Stock option packages dependent on direct sales * Regular raises dependent on effort * Peace of mind
Think about your future now, don�t wait until you graduahttps://it