Offers Students Income Opportunities While in School and a Guaranteed Job After Graduation
MATTE RELEASE--(COLLEGIATE PRESSWIRE)--Jan 21, 2003--Computers are here to help make your life easier and more efficient. Wasting valuable time on a computer system that is down is very frustrating. If you�re in need of computer assistance, don�t waste any more time rummaging through manuals or waiting on hold for someone whose focus is to get you off the phone quickly. Call in the professionals from Juvio!
For a low monthly rate, you get 24-hour live help whenever you need it and as often as you need it. Our experts will fix the problem in much less time and get you back to using your computer for what it was meant�helping you to expand your horizons!
Juvio�s technicians are fluent in English, French, Cantonese, German, Japanese, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, Laotian, Mandarin, Cree Indian, Peruvian, Tagalog, Thai, Turkish and Farsi (Persian), Ukrainian and Vietnamese currently, and we are adding more all the time.
With the new semester underway and students using their computers for term papers, Internet research, exams and fun, one thing is for sure. At some point in time, under the strain of exams and last-minute term paper deadlines, these same computers will need some tune-ups. But where do you go? A local computer shop? Nope. The campus help desk? Only if it�s during business hours.
Luckily, there`s a new service called Juvio, which can help.
�My parents love it since they don�t have to call and interrupt me for that simple fix. They also gain peace of mind knowing that You have access to the best computer tutors available.�--Charles Verrier, WCC
Welcome to Juvio - live tech support for your PC or MAC, for all of your software and peripherals such as PDAs and digital cameras. We work to ensure that your entire system functions without excuses or delays.
No more waiting on hold. No more confusing email FAQ. If something isn�t working as it should, call us 24 hours a day - 7 days a week and we can help you fix the problem immediately. A live technician will stay with you all the way walking you through the repair. We have experts in every type of hardware and software available. Our professionals are skilled communicators who will assist you in plain English that you can understand, not techno-jargon.
Working from our high-technology test labs and software support center staffed with some of today�s leading technical gurus, we ensure that Juvio members receive the highest level of service possible. Despite manufacturer excuses, all of your various technologies can and must function seamlessly together. We cure the inevitable conflicts that can cost you lost time, lost money, lost data, and that bitter frustration that comes with having the problem in the first place. Juvio members enjoy unlimited live access to our technicians for an unheard of low monthly fee. Access Juvio via our toll-free telephone number, through email, by Instant Messaging or remote hosting.
Traditional manufacturer tech support is myopic, at best. Their service is generally focused upon time-costs rather than providing you with optimal service. Their goal has been to get you off the phone as quickly as possible, usually by blaming someone else�s product for your problem, or providing the quickest (and never the best) solution. This approach to customer service only proves to complicate the problem further and can end without fixing the problem at all! What with the increasing news reporting �downsizing� and �streamlining�, some product manufacturers are even actually reducing this level of support blaming it as not being cost effective!
With Juvio on guard, day or night, you are insured against failure and can rest easy knowing that help is only a phone call away. Our experts work unrushed, in an un-timed environment, thereby allowing them to tender optimal service to you�the customer.
Juvio never sleeps.
Since its launch in 2002, Speak-With-a-Geek has flourished beyond all expectations, driven by a rapidly widening vacuum in manufacturer tech support. Receiving numerous awards for its unmatched quality of personal service, SWAG has been praised by national media, including the Wall Street Journal, New York Times and The San Diego Union Tribune.
JUVIO, created as a direct-selling version, now expands vastly upon SWAG`s exponential success, coupling its own technicians with that of SWAG, while continuing to provide the highest quality of tech support. By design, JUVIO and SWAG thrive in their synergy, in an accelerating mutual growth. As the tremendous world market for tech support wildly expands, JUVIO will transcend all former concepts of support, based upon the excellence of SWAG, in JUVIO`s mission to service the globe.
Our planet is rapidly approaching an era in which technology, ever-expanding, links the human race, globally. As destructive technologies grow, so must their antidote, the creative technologies of information, both private and commercial.
At Juvio, we believe it obvious that the greatest hope of the future resides within our basic human ability to communicate. And yet, the producers of both hardware and software now rapidly curtail personal technical assistance. Users often find themselves stranded and frustrated, confronted by a bewildering array of hardware and software conflicts that defeat their informational process.
Juvio devotes itself to the concept that the interface between users should never be broken by failure of technology, ensuring our members access to live human assistance of the highest quality, day or night.
The community of Juvio is committed to expand into a self-fulfilling matrix of technical support, an entity not only building upon itself, but also reaching out globally to assist a worldwide vision of seamless uninterrupted communication.
The problem with computer support in college is it is hard-to-get, not the right hours, not on-site, etc. But all that`s changing.
Juvio makes perfect sense for students, after all - they`re short on time, their schedules are non-traditional, and due to frequent use, their computers are frequently ''buggy''
For those who know something about computers, Juvio also offers another service: jobs
What dhttps:// future hold for you?
Juvio holds the key to your future. Why wait for a job to find you? Juvio has a great job opportunity waiting for you. No more tedious interviews, no more waiting by the phone to see if you got the job, because we have a job already lined up for you. Prove to Juvio that you are dedicated and driven while in school and have a job waiting for you when you get out of school. Work with people young and driven to succeed, like yourself.
Why not free up your time and make money at the same time, while you are in school.
Know the future, know where you will be when you graduate, with Juvio!
Juvio is seeking students to help market its service to their peers and local businesses, and earn money in the process.
Not only is this a unique income opportunity, but it also allows students to help market a widely popular service and earn money in the process.
Juvio is hiring people every week for various positions in Sales, Marketing, Accounting, Managing, Information Technology, Quality Assurance, and many others.
Think about your Future now, don�t wait until you graduate.
What Juvio gives you? * Security in knowing that you have a job after school. * Security in having a stable income. * Security towards all computer problems. * Financial Security while in school. * Finance move to San Diego. * Security for Health Benefits. * Ability to Focus on school and not having to work a part time job. * Freedom of time, your most important asset. * Stock option packages dependent on direct sales. * Regular raises dependent on effort. * Peace of mind.
College students are notorious for spending their food money on beer, parties or shopping with friends. We think of starving students begging their parents for more money or working too many hours at a part-time job, losing precious study time.
What do these two situations have in common? Juvio.
Imagine giving yourself a way to earn extra cash in your sleep and the security of having a job after graduation. Be one step ahead of the game and get on board with Juvio.
How to Prove Yourself: * 30 Direct Sales in Juvio. * 100 Associates in your organization. * 2.8 or higher GPA * Minimum Associates Degree
There are many marketing tools that can help you to receive your goal of 30 plus sales. There are conference calls and meetings throughout the US and internationally where you can send people to learn more about Juvio. The college scene is one of the largest markets for Juvio, having the opportunity to receive 14 dollars for every direct sale from month to month is a great way for college students to be able to do what they want during college and not have to worry about financial problems. A six-figure income is achieved by making 596 personal sales, on work hours you set for yourself.
�Juvio has helped me to gain an income above my part time job and is now making me enough money that I can focus on school and reaching my requirements for a job with Juvio(30 sales)�--Drew Liebntritt, ASU
�Thank you for all your help in my Juvio organization, the conference calls really helped me to get people to learn about Juvio and for myself to get updates and keep on track. �--Kenny Fecher, SDSU
�I would have never thought that I would have an opportunity to know where I would be after I graduate, and having the interview all up to me.�--Alan Fulr, USC
�Thanks to the Juvio staff my computer has never worked better. Also Juvio has tutored me at 3 am a few times now about the software I�m using and my grades are substantially better because of you. Thank You Juvio�--Thomas Phillip, NYU
For those without technical know-how, and a computer on the fritz, Juvio offers low-cost, efficient tech help that`s only a phone call away.
For those with computer know-how; and you are a self-motivated individual, Juvio also presents an income opportunity that allows students to tap the entrepreneurial spirit and https://eir fellow students at the same time.
For more information on becomihttps:// of Juvio please contact: Bruce Nelkin [email protected] 914/472-3194, 12 noon-10 pm E.S.T. / M-F