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CampusAdTrader Debuts New Features to Streamline the Process of Buying Ads in College Newspapers Online

Mar 1, 2006, 14:32
Press Wire > Consumer
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CLIFTON, N.J.--(COLLEGIATE PRESSWIRE)--March 1, 2006--CampusAdTrader, the online marketplace for buying and selling print, online and classified advertising in U.S. college newspapers, announced today the roll-out of several new features which make the site easier to navigate for its member media buyers and college newspapers. The site is located at https://www.CampusAdTrader.com.

Since the site's debut in July 2005, CampusAdTrader has caused a stir in the college advertising industry - one noted for paper-based transactions and phone-based negotiations. By applying Web-based auction technology to the media-buying process, CampusAdTrader helps buyers deal directly with the newspapers selling ad space - saving them time and money in the process.

"These new features are the direct result of an ongoing dialogue between CampusAdTrader and its users," said Lisa Bannerot, Director of Media Services for Collegiate Presswire, CampusAdTrader's corporate parent. "In addition to making the site more streamlined, the changes will help buyers make more informed decisions and allow member papers to better showcase their available space for sale."

The new features include:

-- Standardized Listing Headlines - To streamline the listing and browsing processes, CampusAdTrader has implemented a standardized headline format for all new ad-space listings. Using the new format, which highlights school name, state, and ad-size in the headline, will help member schools showcase their space in front of interested buyers and will also help buyers quickly identify relevant schools and desired metropolitan areas.

-- Improved "HotLeads" Functionality - CampusAdTrader's proprietary "HotLeads" system, which alerts selected college newspapers to interested media buyers via e-mail, now allows buyers to specify what size ad they are interested in purchasing before sending a "HotLead" message to the newspaper.

-- Rate Card Values -- A new entry on the listing page, called "Rate Card Value," has been added to help buyers compare a newspaper's published advertising rates to the current bid or sale price on CampusAdTrader.

-- Circulation and Geographic Data - Two new fields have been added to the registration and item-listing pages: Circulation and City/State. When browsing through a newspaper's ad-space listing, buyers can now quickly identify the size of the newspaper and geographic location of its affiliated college or university.

-- "Auctions A-Z" Listing - From the main page on CampusAdTrader, there is a new link called "Auctions A-Z", where buyers and newspapers can get a comprehensive list of the schools currently offering space for sale on the site, in alphabetical order.

Access to browse or search the listings on CampusAdTrader is free and open to all - registration is only required for bidding or selling - and the posting of ad space for auction by campus newspapers is, and will remain, completely free.

For more information about CampusAdTrader, or to sign up, please see the service's website at https://www.CampusAdTrader.com


CampusAdTrader is an online marketplace for buying and selling print, online and classified advertising in U.S. college newspapers. The website provides a forum where publications can list ad space for sale, sell a block of advertising in bulk, or generate visibility for unsold space as needed in front of a national audience of media buyers and advertising professionals. The site, developed and operated by college-media content and services company Collegiate Presswire, is online at https://www.CampusAdTrader.com.

Source: CampusAdTrader

© CampusAdTrader and Collegiate Presswire

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