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America`s Hottest New Love: Long-Distance Romance

Tuesday, October 1, 2002 9:00 AM
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Romeo`s & Juliet`s stay crazy about each other, even though they are forced to live apart

NEW YORK--(COLLEGIATE PRESSWIRE)--Oct 1, 2002--More than 10 million people nationwide are thoroughly enjoying their long-distance romantic relationships, and that number is increasing daily. How do they do it? With the help of long distance romance expert and author Stephen Blake!

In the Loving Your Long Distance relationship series Stephen Blake shares the best way to keep love hot, avoid mistakes, and escape temptation. He helps couples ''stay together'' while they`re ''apart''.

He reveals lively real-time, fascinating stories of people living apart and making it work, happily loving their long distance romance. He talks about what`s behind the growing trend in lovers being happily separated, women in the workplace, decreased travel costs, the globalization of commerce - all contributors to the trend. Blake explores the emotional stages of long-distance relationships: elation, loneliness, frustration, and detachment.

''Understanding the emotional roller coaster of LDR is the key to feeling better while apart,'' Blake says. This comprehensive guide provides solid help and easy-to-use advice to worried and road-weary long distance lovers. He provides new insight into the best way to take advantage of new technologies, and provides help so people can:

-Learn how to cope with saying goodbye again and again.
-Make the most out of holiday vacation reunions, avoid the airport, stay focused on long-term plans versus the moment.
-Prevent phone arguments. Keep calls short, frequent, and more information based.
-Combat feelings of un-romanticism, and out-of-sight, out-of-mind temptations.
-Use frequent communications and thoughtful gifts to work wonders.

Loving Your Long-Distance Relationship, Still Loving Your Long-Distance Relationship, and Loving Your Long-Distance Relationship for Women, are all available in all major & online bookstores, on the Internet at, or from Anton Publishing, 305 Madison Ave, Suite 1166, New York, New York 10165

Stephen Blake has appeared in numerous newspaper columns, radio, and TV talk shows explaining this new, and ever-increasing global phenomenon. He is available for interviews nationwide by arrangement and via telephone. Media kits, review copies available on request. Call today!

Source: Anton Publishing

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