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 `s `Big Feat`

Wednesday, November 5, 2003 11:00 AM
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`Big Feat` is one giant step for Faceparty�s online community of members!

MEDIA ADVISORY--(COLLEGIATE PRESSWIRE)--Nov 5, 2003--Faceparty has over a million members with an amazing variety of skills and talents. It`s about time those talents were put to use!

Faceparty members have until 1st December this year to come up with a ridiculously BIG FEAT to be achieved in 2004. This is a project by the members, for the members, so they may choose anything from building a school in Africa to creating the world`s largest custard pie fight, just as long as it involves thousands of members.

Once ideas are received they will be short listed and the best ones posted on for the members vote. The winning entry will then have their idea realised but for Faceparty members the buck does not stop there. The members must come together, offer their skills or their time and get involved to make the project work. Absolutely anyone and everyone can get involved.

So how does it work? Let`s say, for example, the winning project is to build a school in Africa. Faceparty will manage the whole project and when it comes to building the school, loads of different skills will be needed, ranging from plumbers to painters. If there is one member who is a plumber, Faceparty will fly them over to Africa for a few days and so on - whatever it takes to get the job done. Everyone can be involved - whatever their skills, Faceparty will always be able to find a task for those who want to help out.

Within a few days of `Big Feat`s` launch there has been a superb response from members offering ideas, time and talent. If every person does something tiny, with over a million members something amazing can be achieved.

So far ideas have included: The Most Blood given in one day, Send Faceparty`s Agony Aunt `Grim Rita` into Space, Build a Faceparty Sports Academy, Hold the World�s Biggest Sleep Over, Create the worlds largest sewn sock out of thousands of socks, Hold a huge concert with Faceparty members as the musicians, Build an Orphange in Russia ... the list goes on.

Faceparty are still considering any other weird wonderful or bizarre ideas so if you have a stomping good suggestion you wish to be considered for the `BIG FEAT` then first make sure you are a member of Faceparty by joining for FREE at and then email [email protected] with your life-changing idea.


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