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BearShare File-sharing Service Registers Voters through the Your Vote Online Voter Registration Service

Tuesday, September 7, 2004 2:00 PM
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MIAMI BEACH, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE via COLLEGIATE PRESSWIRE)--Sep 7, 2004--BearShare - -, the world`s leading file-sharing client and Your Vote Matters - - , Working Assets` non partisan voter registration website, launched a partnership to register BearShare`s massive audience US userbase to vote if they aren`t already registered. This innovative partnership marks the first time a file-sharing client has been used to register voters in the US and the world.

``Our users are passionate and opinionated about BearShare. We are encouraging them to get as passionate about the community and country as they are about BearShare by voting. Regardless of whether they vote Democrat, Republican or independent or some other party, it`s vital for them to participate in the political process,`` explained Vincent Falco, BearShare`s Chief Executive Officer.

BearShare users can register by clicking on a link located on a web page only accessible to BearShare users. The link takes them out to the online voter registration site hosted by Your Vote In the short time this program has been live, we have seen great success which we hope will continue through the voter registration deadline.

Working Assets and Your Vote have helped over 800,000 new voters get registered in a few easy steps. And, with the efforts of its nonpartisan affiliate organizations such as BearShare, Working Assets hopes to meet its goal of registering 1 million new voters before the November 2 election.

About Free Peers, Inc.

Free Peers, Inc., creators of the BearShare P2P software product, is a leading global communications technology company that is revolutionizing Internet digital media distribution and communications via a unique software-driven solution that enables users to communicate with one another more efficiently on an unprecedented scale.

About Your Vote

Working Assets is a long distance, wireless, and credit card company that was created to build a world that is more just, humane and environmentally sustainable. Since Working Assets was created in 1985, the company has raised $35 million by helping people make a difference in the world through progressive philanthropy and political activism.

Source: Free Peers

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