NEW YORK--(COLLEGIATE PRESSWIRE)--Nov. 28, 2000--As tens of thousands of college students gear up for the December 2nd LSAT, offers the following last minute test taking tips for students with the pre-test jitters.
10. Take full-length practice tests the week before the test to break down the mystique of the real experience. It`s not how much you practice, it`s how much you get out of the practice. (free at
9. You don`t have to get every question right to get a great score. 20 questions wrong is roughly a 163, which corresponds to the 90th percentile. Not bad for missing a fifth of the questions. There`s no need to panic when faced with difficult material.
8. Try to set off chains of deductions in the Logic Games section. When hypothetical information is offered in a question stem, try to use it to set off a chain of deductions. Then follow through until you`ve taken the new information as far as it can go. Stay out of answer-choice land until you`ve sufficiently mined the hypothetical.
7. Paraphrase the Author`s Point in the Reading Comprehension section. It`s much easier to understand and remember an argument if you restate it simply, in your own words.
6. Use Scrap Paper to Plan Your Essay in the Writing Sample section. Make yourself a rudimentary outline, listing the points you want to make in each paragraph. Ideally, you should know what you want to say and how you want to say it before you write.
5. Understand the Structure of Arguments in the Logical Reasoning section. Success on this section hinges on your ability to identify the two basic parts of every argument: 1. the conclusion: the point that the author is trying to make 2. the evidence: the support that the author offers for the conclusion.
4. Don`t get bogged down in the middle of any section. Don`t be alarmed if you run across some extra-tough questions at the beginning of the section, especially in Logical Reasoning. Skip past tough ones and come back to them later. Circle them in the test booklet so you can locate them quickly.
3. Preview the Games and Reading sections before you jump in. The third or fourth game or reading passage could be the easiest one. Take a brief look at all four before you decide where to begin.
2. Give all five choices a fair shot in Logical Reasoning and Reading Comprehension. For Logic Games, go with the objectively correct answer as soon as you find it.
1. During the exam, don`t worry about how you`re scoring. Focus on the question in front of you and not on what happened last section or what might happen in a later section. Concentrate on each question, each passage, each game. Relax, and take it one question at a time.
Please feel free to pull text for your paper to help students with the pre-test jitters.
For more information about the LSAT and law school admissions, please contact: Katherine Engstrom, 212-974-2769, [email protected].