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Virtual U Honored By Independent Games Festival

Thursday, December 7, 2000 1:00 PM
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University simulator one of ten finalists for prestigious awards

NEW YORK--(COLLEGIATE PRESSWIRE)--Dec. 7, 2000--Virtual U, a software product that simulates a university system and provides a compelling new way to understand and work with the challenges of higher education in America, is one of ten finalists at the Independent Games Festival.

Virtual U ( will be considered for Best Game Design, Audio, Visual Art, Technical Excellence, and the Audience Award. Winners will be announced at the IGF Awards Ceremony, which is part of the Game Developers Conference, on March 23 at the San Jose Convention Center.

''Although Virtual U is a realistic simulation with potentially serious applications, it is also a lot of fun,'' said Virtual U designer William Massy, a professor, writer, and university administrator for more than 30 years and president of the Jackson Hole Higher Education Group. ''This is further validation of the accomplishments of the Virtual U team.''

Virtual U`s sophisticated design is driven by a state-of-the-art simulation engine built by renowned game developer Trevor Chan of Enlight Software, creator of the award-winning Capitalism, a simulation of corporate America.

''It is an honor for Virtual U to be a finalist at the Independent Games Festival,'' Chan said. ''This was a non-traditional project in many ways and it’s great to have a forum where independent projects like Virtual U can be recognized. We are pleased that a game about managing a university would make its way into the finals with entertaining titles such as Hardwood Spades, Shattered Galaxy, and the rest of the nominees.''

Designed to foster better understanding of management practices in American colleges and universities, Virtual U provides students, teachers, and parents the unique opportunity to step into the decision-making shoes of a university president. Players are responsible for establishing and monitoring all the major components of an institution, including everything from faculty salaries to campus parking. Players move around the Virtual U campus, visiting the relevant building where they gather information to make decisions such as decreasing faculty teaching time or increasing athletic scholarships. However, as in a real college or university, the complexity and potential effects of each decision must be carefully considered. And the Virtual U Board of Trustees is monitoring every move.

Virtual U models the attitudes and behaviors of the academic community in five major areas of higher education management:

* Spending and income decisions such as operating budget, new hires, incoming donations, and management of the endowment;

* Faculty, course, and student scheduling issues;

* Admissions standards, university prestige, and student enrollment;

* Student housing, classrooms, and all other facilities; and

* Performance indicators.

Virtual U players select an institution type and strive for continuous improvement by setting, monitoring, and modifying a variety of institutional parameters and policies. Players are challenged to manage and improve their institution of higher education through techniques such as creative resource allocation, minority enrollment policies, and policies for promoting faculty, among others. The program measures the passage of time at a rate selected by players, allowing them to watch as the results of their decisions unfold. Players receive a letter of review from Virtual U`s board every ''year,'' informing them of their progress.

The Creation of Virtual U

The development of Virtual U was made possible through a partnership that includes the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the Spencer Foundation, the Jackson Hole Higher Education Group, the Forum for the Future of Higher Education, Institute for Research on Higher Education, and Enlight Software. The program`s creation was motivated by the desire of Massy and Sloan’s program director Jesse Ausubel to help a range of college and university stakeholders better understand their institutions as dynamic systems through the use of a comprehensive simulator like those found in many computer games.

Virtual U is available from Anker Publishing by calling 978-799-6190 or through Anker’s Web site at The Administrator Version retails for $130 and includes a manual and a Strategy and Technical Guide. The Game Version retails for $60.

For more information or to download a demo of Virtual U, visit

About the Independent Games Festival

CMP Game Media Group established the Independent Games Festival in 1998 in order to provide a forum for independent game developers to exhibit their work, receive recognition, and meet with commercial publishers. The Festival, which is held annually in conjunction with CMP`s Game Developer’s Conference, showcases independently developed computer-based games from around the world. The Festival celebrates and recognizes independent game development in all of its diversity.


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