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College Students Report Energy Drain During Finals Week; Half Pull ‘All-nighters’ To Study For Exams

Tuesday, December 18, 2001 9:00 AM
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Survey: Energy drinks find favor among students as a method to help increase stamina, mental acuity during critical testing period

GOLDEN, Colo.--(COLLEGIATE PRESSWIRE)--Dec 18, 2001--Half of college students “always or often” pull “all-nighters” in order to adequately study for final exams, according to a recent survey. Of that half, 74 percent reported that they stayed up at least one entire night this semester during finals preparation.

The survey of 1,081 college students - conducted on three campuses nationwide by EAS Piranha energy drinks - shows a student body that struggles against fatigue during one of the most important periods of the school year. Consider the following:

* Seventy-six percent of students polled said they were at least “somewhat” concerned about their ability to stay awake long enough to study for finals

* Ninety-three percent of students admitted to procrastinating during finals preparation

* A majority of students rely on caffeine-based products in order to stay awake, with 22 percent of those surveyed saying they rely on energy drinks for increased stamina

* Forty-one percent of respondents indicated they experience the greatest energy drain during the afternoon, when classes and studying are in full swing

“These results are revealing in that they show clearly how time- and energy-starved college students feel during this time of the semester,” said Jim Heidenreich, vice president of marketing at EAS. “Students today are under tremendous pressure to perform in class, student activities and in their own outside interests. Their increased energy needs are a sign of the times.”

To fuel these additional needs, students said they turn to a variety of substances, including coffee (50 percent), carbonated soda (42 percent) and caffeine pills (16 percent). And, the survey showed, students are increasingly turning to energy drinks like Piranha to “bite back” against fatigue.

Piranha drinks and high-protein snacks are designed with today’s fast-paced lifestyles in mind, providing the perfect energy surge and mental acuity for long sessions in the library. Fueled with a combination of caffeine, zhi-shi, guarana, naringin and green tea, Piranha drinks come in two flavors, Bone-Crushing Citrus and Phunky Fruit Punch. The Piranha line of energy-boosting snacks - Power Protein Chips and Power Snack Mix - boast high levels of protein instead of the carbohydrate-laden formulas of most “eat-on-the-run” snacks like potato chips. Piranha Power Protein Chips are available in three flavors: Groovin’ Green Onion and Sour Cream, Blazin’ BBQ and Ragin’ Ranch. Piranha Power Snack Mix hails three varieties, as well: Ragin’ Ranch, Hyper Hot Wings and Gnarly Nacho Cheese.

When they’re trying not to cram for finals, students have a wide variety of ways to procrastinate. According to the survey, 74 percent of students say they watch television and movies or surf the Internet in order to avoid cracking open the books. And 51 percent of respondents say they go out on the town or hang out with friends when they should be studying.

Piranha drinks and snacks, ranging in price from $1.49 - $1.89, are currently available nationwide through 7-Eleven stores, Kroger-affiliated grocery stores, General Nutrition Centers and the Piranha Web site at

The Piranha energy survey was conducted during finals preparation week (Nov. 27 - Dec. 4) on the campuses of the University of Texas/Austin, the University of South Florida/Tampa and San Diego State University. For complete survey results, contact Jill Fairbanks at 303-634-2633 or [email protected].

About EAS

Based in Golden, Colo., EAS is recognized as the industry leader in active lifestyle nutrition products for elite athletes and active individuals. EAS distributes products domestically and internationally through direct sales and approximately 40,000 retail outlets. EAS’ supplements are science-based and have been designed to meet the standards of those who are dedicated to fitness, physical conditioning and athletic performance. EAS is committed to education and science to develop the right products for active people interested in improving their lifestyle.

Source: EAS

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