LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE via COLLEGIATE PRESSWIRE)--Oct 29, 2002--Over 4 million American women under the age of 25 would pose nude on the Internet if the price was right, according to the results of a survey announced today. The right price? A cool $20,000 -- precisely the sum being offered to potential Danni Girls by Danni Ashe, founder and CEO of Danni`s Hard Drive and the World`s Most Downloaded Woman, who commissioned the Roper survey. ''Although Attorney General John Ashcroft seems to think naked statues are a corrupting influence, this survey clearly highlights how American attitudes towards nudity are changing,'' Ashe said. ''In my experience brains and bust-lines mix perfectly with business, and I want to find the 1 in 12 women that agree with me.'' Ms. Ashe believes her Danni Girls will re-define what it means to be a pinup in the 21st century, and prove the pinnacle of a nude modeling career is not dating some old guy in his pj`s. ''I`m looking for women who can impress in the boardroom and the bedroom, women who know that posing nude doesn`t define them as a dumb bunny,'' said Ashe. In addition to $20,000 in cash and a chance to win $100,000 as the Danni Girl of the year, each Danni Girl will be given a head start in the business world with her own subscription website, supported by Danni`s Hard Drive. ''Imagine every Playboy Playmate being given her own magazine with Hugh Hefner`s blessing,'' said Ashe. ''That`s equivalent to what I`m about to do. I want every Danni Girl to enjoy a sizable, reliable income in the years following her time with us.'' Ashe`s enthusiasm for helping young women follow in her footsteps, as a successful entrepreneur, is at the core of the Danni Girl idea. She wants to appeal to beautiful women who see a life beyond meeting a wealthy boyfriend or getting a bit-part on TV. ''Being a Danni Girl is more than a modeling job. It`s a chance for young women to pay for college, get practical business experience and build a future on their own terms. Cute co-eds should think of it as an `Endowment for the Well Endowed,` and the chance to add some really interesting extra-curricular activities to their resume.'' Ashe will reveal the first Danni Girl in February and is taking applications online at dannigirl.com.
About Danni Ashe:
Danni Ashe is a preeminent, female, Internet CEO and has been featured on the front page and covers of such American media institutions as The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, The Industry Standard and eCompany Now; as well as in the pages of Time, U.S. News and World Report, Yahoo! Internet Life and numerous other newspapers and magazines, as well as on television and radio. She has testified before Congressional committees regarding Internet issues and is a popular speaker worldwide on issues of streaming technology, marketing and convergence. Danni.com, a soft adult content entertainment site, is owned and operated by Danni Ashe. Created by Ashe herself in 1995 with $8,000 worth of computer equipment and a crash study in the HTML Manual of Style, the site and its creator have been the focus of numerous articles focusing on the fact that she and the popularity of her site provide one of the few web-based business models for consistent growth and profitability.
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