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Symantec Funds Fellowship Program at Purdue University

Monday, December 9, 2002 9:00 AM
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Public/Private Partnership Strengthens Internet Security Graduate Program

CUPERTINO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE via COLLEGIATE PRESSWIRE)--Dec 9, 2002--Symantec Corp. (Nasdaq:SYMC), the world leader in Internet security, today announced the Symantec Fellowship at Purdue University`s Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS), the world`s foremost university center for multidisciplinary research and education in areas of information security.

The Symantec Fellowship will provide up to $50,000 to cover the full tuition costs for two years and a stipend for a degree-seeking student enrolled at Purdue and working with CERIAS. Students can find more information about how to apply for the Fellowship by going to Applications will be accepted immediately with a deadline set for March 1, 2003. The Fellowship recipient will be announced April 8, 2003 at the annual CERIAS Spring Symposium held on the West Lafayette, Ind. campus of Purdue University. The Fellowship will begin during the 2003-2004 school year and will be expanded to include a second student beginning the Fall of 2004.

''This Fellowship expands the long-standing relationship CERIAS has enjoyed with Symantec over many years. During that time we have collaborated on research issues of Internet security and policy,'' said Dr. Eugene Spafford, professor and director of CERIAS at Purdue University. ''We hope Symantec`s involvement with CERIAS will encourage other companies to follow suit with their own initiatives -- not only with CERIAS, but with other university programs that have high-quality research and education programs in information security.''

''This initiative between Symantec and Purdue for the development of this Fellowship is a perfect example of the type of public/private partnership that is needed for our country to meet the challenges of today`s cyber threats, be it in the area of additional security personnel, the development of additional research or the sharing of information between public and private entities regarding Internet security,'' said Richard Clarke, chairman of the President`s Critical Infrastructure Protection Board.

''Through this Fellowship, Symantec and Purdue are addressing a key issue within the Internet security industry and that is the shortage of trained security personnel being developed and educated in the United States,'' said John Schwarz, president and chief operating officer of Symantec Corp. ''Given the fact that only a few dozen doctorates have been awarded by American universities during the last several years in the area of Internet security, there is a glaring need for more trained personnel. This is the first step as part of an overall effort by Symantec on many levels to encourage not only Purdue but other universities to produce more Internet security professionals.''

The relationship between Purdue University and Symantec stems from Symantec`s University Research Program, established to facilitate and coordinate Symantec`s involvement with universities that emphasize research and study in the Internet security field. Approximately 30 universities in the United States meet the criteria established by the National Colloquium for Information System Security Education (NCISSE) and the National Security Agency to be awarded the ''Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education'' designation.

Through the University Research Program, Symantec supports the efforts of these universities regarding the study of Internet security and encourages other universities to expand their research programs. Aside from monetary support through Fellowships, Symantec supports universities by offering corporate spokespersons for seminars and lectures to students and faculties. In addition, Symantec provides feedback on the research conducted by universities and input on areas that the industry deems important to help direct the focus of study by universities in Internet security issues.


The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS) at Purdue University is generally viewed as the world`s foremost university center for multidisciplinary research and education in information security, privacy and assurance. CERIAS works with businesses, government and other universities to bring attention to the problems associated with information security. CERIAS personnel pursue research in the areas of computer, network, communications security, and conduct a number of educational and outreach programs to increase the understanding of information assurance issues.

About Symantec

Symantec, the world leader in Internet security technology, provides a broad range of content and network security software and appliance solutions to individuals, enterprises and service providers. The company is a leading provider of client, gateway and server security solutions for virus protection, firewall and virtual private network, vulnerability management, intrusion detection, Internet content and e-mail filtering, remote management technologies and security services to enterprises and service providers around the world. Symantec`s Norton brand of consumer security products is a leader in worldwide retail sales and industry awards. Headquartered in Cupertino, Calif., Symantec has worldwide operations in 38 countries. For more information, please visit

NOTE TO EDITORS: If you would like additional information on Symantec Corp. and its products, please view the Symantec Press Center at on Symantec`s Web site. All prices noted are in US dollars and are valid only in the United States.

Symantec and the Symantec logo are trademarks or registered trademarks, in the United States and certain other countries, of Symantec Corp. Additional company and product names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of the individual companies and are respectfully acknowledged.

Source: Symantec Corp.

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