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Statement From Tom Scholz

Friday, September 20, 2002 9:00 PM
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BOSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE via COLLEGIATE PRESSWIRE)--Sep 20, 2002--The following is a response from Tom Scholz of DOWNER`S REVENGE/BOSTON to the Artemis press release concerning the song ''Corporate America'':

''The recent press release from Artemis Records to colleges which attempts to exploit the sudden popularity of the DOWNER`S REVENGE song `Corporate America` was made without the band`s knowledge. This type of sales pitch is the antithesis of what the band and I were trying to accomplish.

''Our objective was to get the message in this song to college campuses over the Internet because colleges in this country represent centers of rational, open-minded thinking. Student idealism provides the nucleus for positive, future, social change.

''Advised that we could not put a BOSTON song on the Internet`s Progressive or Alternative music lists, we decided to circumvent the customary company marketing bureaucracy by releasing under a new name; thus DOWNER`S REVENGE was born. (The word `downer` comes from a horrifying practice of the huge U.S. meat industry.)

''There was no corporate promotion whatsoever for `Corporate America` on; it simply spread from the band`s personal friends e-mailing the link to others. To our shock, it snowballed and became #1 on`s Progressive Rock chart in one week.

''But even more shocking is the irony that a company would then blatantly try to commercialize the song this way. I personally think they should be forced to listen repeatedly to the lyrics until they get a clue.''

--Tom Scholz

Source: Tom Scholz

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