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ExxonMobil Awards Grants to Encourage Higher Minority Representation in Mathematics Education

Tuesday, October 14, 2003 3:00 PM
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Historically Black Colleges and Universities to Benefit from 15 ExxonMobil Grants to Reinforce the Importance of Mathematics Education

IRVING, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE via COLLEGIATE PRESSWIRE)--Oct 14, 2003--To encourage research in mathematics education and aid in the development of innovative curriculum for K-12 educators, ExxonMobil today announced the recipients of four ExxonMobil Innovation Grant Awards to Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) across the country to study and recommend ways to improve mathematics education. Eleven additional grants will be awarded later this year.

The grants were announced as part of the National Summit II on Mathematical Education of Teachers. This year`s summit, sponsored by the National Association of Mathematicians and the Benjamin Banneker Association, placed an emphasis on partnering with Historically Black Colleges and Universities and other institutions that produce minority teachers or work in areas with a high concentration of minority students.

''There continues to be a gap between the opportunities for minorities to perform well versus other students,'' said Dr. Irvin E. Vance, professor emeritus of mathematics at Michigan State University and executive director of the Benjamin Banneker Association. ''These ExxonMobil Innovation Grants seek to improve math education for minority educators and their students and to shrink that gap.''

(1) Recent studies indicate that students in high-minority schools are 40% more likely to be taught core academic subjects by teachers who did not earn a degree in that subject.

This situation, coupled with the fact that the fastest-growing industries require strong math, science and technology skills, makes improving mathematics education among minority students essential to developing a diverse workforce.

''ExxonMobil has a tradition of seeking to improve opportunities for minorities and women, particularly in mathematics, science, technology and engineering,'' said Truman Bell, education program officer at the ExxonMobil Foundation. ''By continually improving the methods by which teachers are trained, we can also impact the mathematics education and employment prospects their students receive.''

The grants will be used by the educational institutions to develop innovative ways to improve the way mathematics teachers are trained to educate. Their findings will assist the recipients in planning partnerships or other innovations that will then be supported by the institutions themselves or by additional funding.

Recipients of the ExxonMobil Innovation Grants are: Dr. Dawit Haile of Virginia State University, Dr. Margie Waters of Paine College (Augusta, Ga.), Dr. LaVerne Blagmon-Earl of the University of the District of Columbia and Dr. Joan Evans of Texas Southern University.

About ExxonMobil Foundation

ExxonMobil Foundation is the primary philanthropic arm of Exxon Mobil Corporation in the United States. The Foundation engages in a broad range of philanthropic activities focusing on the communities where Exxon Mobil Corporation has significant operations. In addition, the Foundation supports research and dissemination on selected topics of national interest to the energy industry. Focus areas include education, health and environment. In 2002, ExxonMobil Foundation, Exxon Mobil Corporation, and its divisions and affiliates provided $98 million in contributions worldwide. For more information, please visit

(1) Research and Policy: Developing Diversity: By the Numbers (Factoid); available from

Note: A photo is available at URL:

Source: ExxonMobil Foundation

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