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The Hip-Hop Summit Action Network Joins the Growing Anti-War Movement in the United States

Thursday, February 27, 2003 7:00 PM
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NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE via COLLEGIATE PRESSWIRE)--Feb 27, 2003--Today, Russell Simmons, Chairman of the Hip-Hop Summit Action Network and Dr. Benjamin Chavis, President of HSAN announced on behalf of the hip-hop community their commitment to join Musicians United To Win Without War, a new coalition of musicians who are joining with the broader WIN WITHOUT WAR national coalition dedicated to preventing war in Iraq.

''Iraq`s been contained for 12 years. Hundreds of thousands don`t have to die. Stand up, demonstrate, and have your voice heard,'' Russell Simmons urged. Dr. Benjamin Chavis emphasized, ''From this day forward, we will mobilize millions of hip-hop supporters in an effort to prevent this unnecessary war.''

At a press conference held today in New York City, Simmons and Chavis joined Lou Reed, David Byrne, Roseanne Cash and Tom Andrews, the national spokesperson for WIN WITHOUT WAR, in announcing the formation of Musicians United To Win Without War. HSAN has a proven track record of mobilizing and empowering the hip-hop community across the nation, and its alliance with WIN WITHOUT WAR will represent a significant and pivotal increase in momentum for the anti-war movement.

An agreement was reached that all of the organizations joining the WIN WITHOUT WAR coalition will utilize the website to centralize the dissemination and sharing of all information pertaining to strengthening the anti-war movement.

Source: Hip-Hop Summit Action Network

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