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Students Look First to Bricks and Mortar Bookstores for Course Materials - NACS Foundation Releases Latest Student Watch -TM- Study Results

Thursday, January 22, 2004 10:00 AM
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OBERLIN, Ohio--(BUSINESS WIRE via COLLEGIATE PRESSWIRE)--Jan 22, 2004--Early results from a recent study funded by the NACS Foundation, the research and education arm of the National Association of College Stores (NACS), offers an interesting glimpse into 18-22 year olds` attitudes and perceptions relating to purchasing course materials.

Nearly 73% of students surveyed prefer a traditional textbook to an electronic format. When shopping for their course materials, more than 85% of students head to a bricks and mortar bookstore first, 11% go to a bookstore website and a small 4% go to another online source. When deciding where to shop, students rated price and confidence in selecting the correct edition as the most important factors.

''Although online sales of textbooks and alternative textbook formats have created a lot of buzz, students prefer the convenience and the reliability of traditional books and bookstores when it comes to their educational purchases,'' said Scott Giesler, executive director of the NACS Foundation.

Student Buying Habits: Textbooks and Course Materials, was the eleventh in a series of college student consumer research studies sponsored by the NACS Foundation. It was conducted during Fall 2003 on 21 campuses with more than four thousand responses (4299), reflecting the make-up of colleges and universities across the United States. The report will be available in early March.

About NACS Foundation

Operating for more than 20 years, the NACS Foundation was established in 1982 as a charitable 501(c)(3) organization to benefit the collegiate retailing industry through research and education. Originally named ''College Stores Research and Educational Foundation'' the organization became the NACS Foundation in 2003 to reflect its close ties with the industry`s leading trade association, the National Association of College Stores, or ''NACS.'' The NACS Foundation has touched the careers of thousands of collegiate retailing professionals and counts some of the industry`s leading vendors among its corporate sponsors.

Source: National Assn. of College Stores

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