HOLLYWOOD, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE via COLLEGIATE PRESSWIRE)--Aug 18, 2004--Pricester.com - a new e-commerce model for the online retail industry and one of the planet`s fastest growing e-commerce portals - is being compared to Napster.com. ''While Napster provided millions of college students free music in the past, Pricester.com is offering free fully functional e-commerce websites for college students now,'' said Joe Puentes, Pricester.com`s President.
The Pricester.com portal, constructed from a dynamic proprietary patent-pending database system created and engineered by Puentes, allows for millions of web stores to be created with full e-commerce capability.
According to Puentes, Pricester.com is making this offer available to millions of college and university students who want to create their own personalized online stores. ''From your own PC, you can start making money on the Internet like millions of other e-tailers,'' he said. ''And continue with it as a dependable and easy-to-operate source of income even after you graduate.''
In addition to individual students or students living together on and off campus, Puentes thinks fraternities and sororities and other college organizations will be developing their web sites.
Through Wizard software and Pricester`s technical support staff, students can create their own on-line retail stores to trade, auction or sell anything from used textbooks to clothing, music CDs to movie DVDs, video games to DVD players and TVs, bicycles to used furniture and beepers to cellular telephones.
Each personalized retail site on Pricester.com features complete e-commerce ordering and processing functions, including credit card payments through Paypal, customer order tracking and authorized returns. The Pricester.com site will also calculate shipping costs via an array of alternative shipping methods and carriers. All the e-tailer has to do is fulfill the order by shipping the goods to the customer.
''And since we have a zip code capability,'' students can trade and sell within their own college population,'' said Puentes.
Unlike every other store or auction website, or ISP hosted commercial site on the Internet, only the Pricester.com online store offers a fully functional commercial online presence with no hosting, setup, item, listing or monthly subscription or membership fees. ''The website is absolutely free,'' continued Puentes. ''The only cost to the student e-tailer is a nominal fee on each completed transaction, ranging from one to four percent of the value of the transaction itself.''
For more about Pricester.com, visit its website or call (800) 839-7994.