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Experience, Inc. Unveils New Targeted Career Advice for College Students Across the Country; New Resources Help the Nation`s New Workforce Find the ``Right`` Jobs

Wednesday, September 8, 2004 11:00 AM
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BOSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE via COLLEGIATE PRESSWIRE)--Sep 8, 2004--Each year, more than 1 million students at thousands of universities across the country visit Experience, Inc., the leading provider of university career networks and the first online college recruiting platform, eRecruiting(TM). Today, Experience announced new services to help these students with their career development and job searching: advanced content, targeted company and industry news, and guided web research. With these new services, students can find detailed information on employers, industries, job functions, cities as well as insightful career advice and guidance that will help them enter the working world.

Experience`s market research shows that the majority of employers would prefer that students be more prepared for interviews and over 70% of college students acknowledge that their research and interviewing skills need improvement. By integrating in-depth content directly into the job search workflow, students can get the information and insight they need to help them make educated decisions and be better prepared throughout the job search process. Content has been aggregated from trusted partners, such as PRNewswire, WetFeet, and Yahoo!, as well as articles developed exclusively by Experience.

``By partnering with Experience, we can help more students prepare for their dream job,`` said Gary Alpert, CEO of recruitment solutions provider WetFeet Inc. ``WetFeet offers students the `real deal` on employers, markets and job functions, and now they are able to access this information from within the eRecruiting system, before they even schedule an interview.``

The new content sections of eRecruiting(TM) include:

-- 40 detailed career profiles and job description explanations

-- 33 profiles of major metropolitan cities

-- 29 industry profiles, with links to up-to-the-minute news stories.

In addition, university career centers can include personalized content and links on over 90% of the pages in eRecruiting, giving students the benefit of further, customized content that is unique to their schools. Students can access the Experience system at or through each school`s co-branded eRecruiting web site.

``The collective power of our large, nationwide school community enabled us to negotiate unique alliances with trusted partners who are eager to connect with the important market of schools and students,`` said Jennifer Floren, president and CEO, Experience, Inc. ``Experience is committed to providing universities with world-class technology and services that educate, assist and inspire students, and the integration of this dynamic content is just one more example of that.``

About Experience

Founded in 1996, Experience is the leading provider of e-recruiting software and services that connect universities and employers with college-educated candidates. Experience`s web-based platform spans more than 3,800 universities, 3 million registered candidates, 100,000 employers, and 800,000 job and internship opportunities. For more information, visit

Experience is a trademark of Experience, Inc. Other company and product names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Source: Experience

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