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Illustrators of the Future Contest Opening Up Career Opportunities for New Artists

Friday, January 28, 2005 8:00 PM
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LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE via COLLEGIATE PRESSWIRE)--Jan 28, 2005--Now accepting entries for the 17th year, the Illustrators of the Future Contest offers talented new illustrators, animators and artists the opportunity to gain recognition, earn cash awards and get published broadly for the first time.

Initiated under the inspiration of bestselling author and humanitarian L. Ron Hubbard, the merit-based competition is a companion to the Writers of the Future Contest. It was intended to do for new illustrators what the writers contest had done for new writers -- discover new talent, bring them to the attention of publishers and help launch their professional careers.

Every quarter, three winners are selected by a who`s who of judge`s panel of leading illustrators of speculative fiction including Frank Frazetta, Bob Eggelton, Vincent Di Fate, Edd Cartier, Leo and Diane Dillon. With no entry fee and judging done on an anonymous basis, the criterion is strictly merit.

In addition to recognition, the contest provides several key benefits to help new illustrators jump-start their careers; winners receive an all-expense paid trip to Hollywood where they participate in an illustrators workshop with top names in speculative fiction illustration and cash prizes totaling over $10,000 a year-with a $4,000 check going to the Gold Prize winner.

Additionally, they get to illustrate the winning stories in the writers contest and be showcased in the L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future anthology (Galaxy Press) while retaining all rights to their artwork.

Frank Kelly Freas, one of the most honored illustrators of the last century and the first coordinating judge of the contest, pointed out, ''L. Ron Hubbard wanted to revitalize the association between writers and illustrators and that is what the Illustrators of the Future Contest is doing. More young illustrators have been introduced to and entered the field by way of this contest than anything that has happened in the field of illustration.''

Winners come from many countries around the world. Last year`s Gold Award winner, Laura Diehl, is currently attending James Madison University and working towards a degree in general fine arts.

During his own highly prolific career as a professional writer, spanning more than half-a-century, L. Ron Hubbard published over 250 works of fiction with 15 New York Times bestsellers, including his science fiction epics Battlefield Earth and the Mission Earth Series. One of his early masterpieces To the Stars, recently republished in a hardcover edition by Galaxy Press.

For more information, contest guidelines and quarterly deadlines visit

Source: Author Services Inc.

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