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Chronicling Bible People

Monday, March 28, 2005 9:00 AM
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Courtesy of Patricia Henley and The Sonoma Index Tribune

SONOMA, Calif.--(COLLEGIATE PRESSWIRE)--Mar 28, 2005--A new free online work, ''The History of the Daughters'' (, is a complete history of peoples and events of the Bible and biblical lands unlike any before it. It reports only humankind history from the Bible books, Apocrypha and writings of ancient historians, divested of ideologies.

Release of ''The History of the Daughters'' culminates a 20-year project funded for its nonprofit online publication through LP Publishing, an independent press in Sonoma, California.

''The driving wish was to help fill the void in general knowledge of actual biblical-related reports without pretending any final authority,'' said T. Lenci who owns LP. ''We purposely, toward ultimate historical accuracy and agreement, employed and fully cited a fixed bibliography to establish a clear field for comparisons and adjustments.''

Unique to the work is its in-depth tracing of females, as well as the standard full coverage usually accorded to male participants through all tribal, local, regional and imperial events.

The free online work is divided into four eras, a volume for each: ''The First 1,000 Years - Sarah and Abraham to King David;'' ''To the First Fall of Jerusalem - Bath-Sheba and David to Nehushta and Jehoiakim;'' ''Persian Suzerainty, Repatriation, Macedonian Suzerainty, Seleucid Suzerainty, and Maccabaean Independence--to the Assassination of High Priest Simon Matthes;'' and, ''Circa 134 B.C. Through Circa A.D. 44.'' Era timelines marry regional and surrounding world developments, supported by tables and narratives that detail events, descendancies, and intermarriages.

Seventy-one segments are separately downloadable via the also-free Acrobat Reader program.

According to Lenci, project contributors ''couldn`t help noting how much data commonly is not known, across the epoch`s entire spectrum.'' LP intends to maintain distance from subjective aspects that can emerge from strict historical compilations. Lenci allows, however, that ''results of a study would be interesting on the reported `Calebite` land apportionment -- of Hebron and its precincts -- as decreed via Moses and reconfirmed by Joshua.''

Source: LP Publishing

© LP Publishing and Collegiate Presswire

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