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For Undecided High School Seniors and Floundering College Grads a New Series Gets Real About Worlds of Career Possibilities: ``What Can You Do with a Major in�?`` Biology. English. Education. Business. Psychology.

Monday, March 7, 2005 1:00 PM
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Real People. Real Jobs. Real Rewards.

HOBOKEN, N.J.--(COLLEGIATE PRESSWIRE)--Mar 7, 2005--Some students go into college knowing just what they want their major to be, but the majority struggle with what that should be. In fact, US News and World Report`s 2005 ``America`s Best Colleges`` issue notes that 20 to 50% of undergraduates are undecided about their academic major, and the same number switch majors at least once during their years in school. What`s more, countless students graduate from college without the slightest idea of how to use their major to get a solid entry-level job to launch a rewarding career.

Fortunately, there are worlds of exciting and lucrative job opportunities for college grads who choose nearly any major with care and an understanding of their options. A new series, ``What Can You Do with a Major in...?`` (Wiley; March 2005; $12.99 each), eases the anxiety of making a big major decision and then applying it to making a living. Devoting individual attention to five popular majors�biology, English, education, business, and psychology -- each book is packed with practical career guidance aimed directly at students, starting in high school. Best of all, each book features real-life information on an array of career possibilities from young men and women who are putting their majors to work in sometimes surprising and always successful ways.

What can you do with a major in biology if you don`t want to become a doctor? Karen, for one, became an epidemiologist, and Rick, for another, became a science reporter. What kind of job can you get with an education major if you realize you don`t like being confined to a classroom? Dana, for one, became a curriculum designer, and Josh, for another, became a museum educator. They are just a few of the former students profiled who tell current students why they chose their major, how they strengthened it with a minor, and how their college curriculum put them on the right career path.

They also give soon-to-be and recent grads an insider`s edge on how to avoid common job-hunting pitfalls and what to expect�in terms of starting salaries, hours, and environments -- in the real world of work.

Through cases and capsules, students and grads will learn how a psychology major can lead to a fascinating career in advertising or fulfilling work as a child welfare caseworker. Or, how an English major can open the door to fun as a comedy writer or acclaim as an entertainment agent. Or, how a business major can find a niche in nearly any field, from fine art to zoology, when armed with a concentration in accounting, finance, management, marketing, or operations.

In addition, ``What Can You Do with a Major in...?`` offers down-to-earth advice on:

* Choosing a College, with concrete, detailed examples of what to look for in a majors program, including required courses, electives, and internships

* Making the Most of Your Time in College, with pointers on maximizing career preparation -- with a double major, volunteer work, and more -- and when it pays to invest in graduate school

* Breaking into the Job Market, with tips on networking, career fairs, online job searches, preparing a resume, preparing for and following up on an interview, and taking advantage of industry trends

Packed with Web sites, professional organizations, periodicals, and other helpful resources, ``What Can You Do with a Major in...?`` will help high school students choose the best college curriculum�in biology, English, education, business, or psychology -- for their interests, personality, and aspirations, and then guide them all the way through college to the start of a promising career.


To set up an interview with the series` editor Greg Tubach or creator, Jennifer A. Horowitz, contact Brenda Blot at 201-748-5625 or [email protected].

``What Can You Do with a Major in...?``
Real People. Real Jobs. Real Rewards.
March 2005; 5 � x 8 � in. paper; each $12.99

Biology by Bart Astor
ISBN: 0-7645-7606-2

Business by Kate Shoup Welsh
ISBN: 0-7645-7608-9

English by Shelley O`Hara
ISBN: 0-7645-7607-0

Education by Jennifer A. Horowitz and Bruce Walker
ISBN: 0-7645-7605-4

Psychology by Shelley O`Hara
ISBN: 0-7645-7609-7

Published by https://br>

Source: Wiley

© Wiley Publishing, Inc. and Collegiate Presswire

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