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Campusopoly Launches - First Free Classified Site to Cater to College Set

Tuesday, May 10, 2005 4:00 PM
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Offers housing, jobs, roommates, resumes, for sale items and leisure on 91 campuses

JERICHO, N.Y.--(COLLEGIATE PRESSWIRE)--May 10, 2005--If you`re a college junior and looking for a part-time job, or a sophomore seeking roommates, perhaps male and female, or in the market to buy or sell an old TV or pair of roller blades, or eager to get hold of a pair of tickets to that sold-out football game, life just became easier for you.

The newest and most comprehensive classified Web site to hit the college scene was launched here today -- Campusopoly ( The totally free classified Internet listing service, offers housing � on and off campus; roommates, local jobs, resume postings, all types of items to buy and sell, such as furniture, electronics, books; Greek life and much more.

The site initially targets 91 campuses from A (Auburn University) to W (University of Wyoming) and plenty in the middle (Michigan State, Nebraska, Texas). Additional universities will be added shortly.

Campusopoly is the offspring of Cityopoly, Inc. (, which provides similar services in 66 US cities. Cityopoly debuted last fall as a comprehensive and free alternative to Monster, Careerbuilder, HotJobs, Roommates and Craigslist. It has grown steadily with content and traffic, according to, which monitors the top 16 million web sites.

Over 70,000 job listings alone can currently be found on Campusopoly, with more being posted daily. Unlike other sites, you can upload two photos without any charge, whether you are seeking housing on or near campus, a roommate or several, selling something or sponsoring a leisure activity, or a logo to accompany a job posting.

''You could easily argue this is `Gregslist`,'' said Greg Edson, who created the classified site with an eye toward Craigslist, which has expanded beyond domestic shores as an Internet community. ''But this one is for college students, who have been totally ignored and have had nothing like this to meet their daily needs and wants. It`s `one-stop shopping` for students and at the right price -- free. Our extensive research almost since we started to build Cityopoly led us to create the site. We`re confident, too, that Campusopoly devotees will, over time, graduate to Cityopoly.''

What helps make Campusopoly so ''user friendly'' is that each housing section, for example, breaks down by street name, whether it`s in Grand Forks, ND, Lawrence, KS, Waco, TX or South Bend, IN. Altogether, there are more than 3,000 such streets. Not only can you look for an apartment to rent, but sublet or even buy one.

Campusopoly`s ''For Sale'' section, to illustrate, is a huge marketplace where students may buy and sell textbooks � there are 26 specific categories ranging from dentistry, kinesiology, law to music; to electronics, with 29 categories, offering everything from air conditioners, barbecue grills, microwaves to treadmills. The student services� section allows the marketing of sporting event tickets, showcases vendors that offer moving, therapy and even tutoring services; while a transportation section features 13 unique categories to access if you`re seeking to buy cars, bicycles, go-karts, boats and even jet skis. The ''Leisure'' section highlights Greek life (fraternity and sorority) on campus, extracurricular activities, social calendar events, campus nightlife and intramural sports, to cite a few.

Worried about staying within a budget?

Campusopoly easily permits users to find his (or her) price range for a particular item or service. Each of the listings has precise cost categories to help facilitate the search effort.

''In short, we`ve identified the most popular needs on campus as we created Campusopoly,'' Mr. Edson emphasized. ''It`s all there. Our intent is to build on this, enhancing content as we develop interest, gain traffic and build our university community.''

# # #

Campusopoly colleges to date:

Auburn University
University of Alabama
University of Alaska, Anchorage
Arizona State University
University of Arizona
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Stanford University
University of California, Berkeley
University of California, Los Angeles
University of Southern California
Colorado State University
University of Colorado, Boulder
University of Connecticut
University of Delaware
Georgetown University
Florida State University
University of Central Florida
University of Florida
University of Miami
Georgia Institute of Technology
University of Georgia
University of Hawaii, Manoa
University of Idaho
Northwestern University
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Indiana University, Bloomington
Purdue University
University of Notre Dame
Iowa State University
University of Iowa
Kansas State University
University of Kansas
University of Kentucky
University of Louisville
Louisiana State University
University of Maine
University of Maryland
Boston College
Boston University
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Michigan State University
University of Michigan
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Mississippi State University
University of Mississippi
University of Missouri, Columbia
University of Montana
University of Nebraska, Lincoln
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
University of New Hampshire
Rutgers University
New Mexico State University
University of New Mexico
Binghamton University
Cornell University
Syracuse University
University at Buffalo
North Carolina State University
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
University of North Dakota
Ohio State University
University of Cincinnati
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater
University of Oklahoma
Oregon State University
University of Oregon
Pennsylvania State University
University of Pennsylvania
University of Pittsburgh
University of Rhode Island
Clemson University
University of South Carolina
University of South Dakota
University of Memphis
University of Tennessee
Baylor University
Texas A&M; University
Texas Tech University
University of Texas, Austin
Brigham Young University
University of Utah
University of Vermont
University of Virginia
Virginia Tech University
University of Washington
Washington State University
Marshall University
West Virginia University
University of Wisconsin, Madison
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
University of Wyoming

Source: Cityopoly, Inc.

© Cityopoly, Inc. and Collegiate Presswire

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