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Joe Blow Asks America: `What`s the Big Idea?`

Monday, January 22, 2001 12:00 AM
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ANNAPOLIS, Md.--(BUSINESS WIRE via COLLEGIATE PRESSWIRE)--Jan. 22, 2001--Joe Blow T`s, Inc., long considered the ''creative think-tank'' of the T-shirt design industry, today launched a nationwide campaign in search of the next ''big idea'' to adorn its latest line of cutting-edge T-shirts.

While Joe Blow, for more than a decade, has been an outlet for some of the nation`s leading creative designers and artists, the ''What`s the Big Idea?'' campaign seeks to mine fresh ideas from less traditional sources. Joe Blow hopes the campaign will attract anyone with a creative idea -- from college students, professional or amateur artists, to high school study-hall doodlers -- to share their T-shirt design concepts with the company, and potentially see their ideas turn into cash and possibly a full-blown marketing blitz.

''We plan to leave no stone unturned in our search for the next `big idea` in T-shirt design,'' said Stewart Cohen, president of Joe Blow. ''We`ve learned over the years that some of the country`s top-selling T-shirts have emerged from one person`s creative brainstorm. All it takes is someone with creativity, a sharp wit or a clever mind. We want to become the creative outlet for these ideas, and who knows, someone might just see their design end up as part of popular culture and being sold in stores across the country.''

While the campaign will primarily target universities and high schools, it also will be marketed to artist publications and industry trade magazines. In addition, campaign coordinators will rely on word-of-mouth, the Internet and the artistic and design communities to help further spread the word.

''We want to encourage all ideas to be submitted - even unfinished artwork or ideas that aren`t fully developed,'' said Cohen. ''If Joe Blow sees a rough idea or design that has real potential, we will help develop it further to get a finished and saleable product. Even your rough sketch could be the basis for the next `big idea` Joe Blow is looking for.''

As Cohen stressed that Joe Blow will consider every idea sent to them, he also emphasized that the marketplace tends to favor T-shirts with creative, original, satirical, humorous, or purely artistic themes. ''We`ve seen best-selling T-shirts that include witty designs or slogans, as well as those with unique, creative or contemporary artwork,'' said Cohen. ''Innovative ideas come in many different formats.''

Designs and ideas will be accepted by mail or e-mail at Joe Blow headquarters. Full details of the campaign are posted on the company`s website found at

Joe Blow T`s, Inc., creator of children`s, junior and adult screen-printed graphics, has been credited with creating several of the most celebrated T-shirt lines in the United States, including ''Tools of the Trade'' and ''American Classics.'' Based in Annapolis, Md., Joe Blow has licensing agreements with corporations and organizations such as, Anheiser-Busch, General Motors, DaimlerChrysler and National Geographic, and works with some of the nation`s top retailers, specialty stores and leading fashion boutiques. Additionally, Joe Blow enjoys creative partnerships with Disney and ESPN. Joe Blow prides itself on its creative vision and ability to spot trends. With Joe Blow, anything is possible.

Source: Joe Blow Ts, Inc.

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