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LIST: Top Peace Corps Universities and Colleges 2001

Friday, March 9, 2001 4:00 PM
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Number of School Alumni Who are Currently Volunteers

WASHINGTON D.C.--(COLLEGIATE PRESSWIRE)--Mar 9, 2001--Top 25 Large Colleges and Universities
(more than 5,000 undergraduates)

School / Rank (2000 rank in parentheses) / Number of Alumni Volunteers
1. University of Wisconsin-Madison (1) / 93
2. University of Colorado-Boulder (2) / 74
3. University of California-Berkeley (5) / 70
4. University of Texas-Austin (4) / 68
5. University of Oregon (15) / 67
6. University of Michigan-Ann Arbor (3) / 65
7. University of Virginia (6) / 63
8. University of California-Santa Cruz (11) / 60
9. University of Washington (7) / 58
10. Pennsylvania State University (4) / 56
11. Michigan State University (9) / 54
12. Colorado State University (13) / 52
13. University of Illinois-Urbana (8) / 51
14. Northwestern University (21) / 48
Indiana University-Bloomington (12)
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill (10)
15. Ohio State University-Columbus (19) / 47
16. University of California-Santa Barbara (18) / 45
17. University of California-Davis (11) / 42
University of California-Los Angeles (*)
18. Boston University (20) / 41
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities (16)
University of Missouri-Columbia (*)
19. Oregon State University (23) / 39
Texas A&M; University-College Station (*)
20. University of California-San Diego (17) / 38
21. Humboldt State University (20) / 37
University of Vermont (*)
James Madison University (*)
Ohio University-Athens (22)
University of Montana (*)
University of Iowa (25)
Georgetown University (18)
22. George Washington University (25) / 36
Miami University-Oxford (*)
23. University of Maryland (22) / 35
24. American University-D.C. (25) / 34
University of Florida (21)
University of Notre Dame (*)
New York University (*)
Cornell University (14)
25. Northern Arizona University (*) / 33
University of Georgia-Athens (*)

Top 10 Small Colleges and Universities
(less than 5,000 undergraduates)

School / Rank (2000 rank in parentheses) / Number of Alumni Volunteers
1. Middlebury College (*) / 32
2. Tufts University (2) / 22
3. Colby College (10) / 21
4. Johns Hopkins University (7) / 19
Dartmouth College (*)
Whitman College (6)
5. University of Chicago (8) / 18
St. Olaf College (7)
6. Willamette University (8) / 17
Smith College (*)
7. Pomona College (*) / 16
Colgate University (9)
Mary Washington College (5)
Oberlin College (6)
Brandeis University (8)
Colorado College (3)
8. Vassar College (7) / 15
Wake Forest University (*)
Macalester College (7)
Bowdoin College (9)
Bates College (*)
Wellesley College (*)
9. University of Puget Sound (*) / 14
Evergreen State College (8)
Dickinson College (8)
St. Lawrence University (*)
Santa Clara University (9)
Williams College (10)
Hamilton College (*)
10. University of San Francisco (4) / 13
Seattle University (*)
Haverford College (*)
Gettysburg College (*)
Bucknell University (*)
Carleton College (*)

Peace Corps Facts:
* Current number of Volunteers and trainees: 7,300
* Total number of Volunteers and trainees to date: 162,000
* Current number of countries served: 76
* Total number of countries served: 134

Source: The Peace Corps

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