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Monday, September 24, 2001 10:00 AM
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WASHINGTON--(COLLEGIATE PRESSWIRE)--Sep 24, 2001--Supporting the work of the American Red Cross during times of disaster, Julia Roberts made a $1 million donation for disaster relief in response to recent the terrorist attacks on America.

The American Red Cross provides food, shelter, emotional support, blood and other life-saving assistance to those in need. Red Cross programs and services, most importantly, crisis or grieving counseling are available to all the families affected by disasters for as long as they need it.

“The Red Cross is honored by the generous contribution,” said Dr. Bernadine Healy, president and CEO of the American Red Cross. “Julia Roberts is an all-American woman, and is helping the American Red Cross’ relief efforts through her heartfelt work to the public on coping strategies to help people grieve in a time of crisis.”

The American Red Cross is dedicated to saving lives, easing suffering and restoring hope at home and around the world. Currently operating on a budget of $2.7 billion, the Red Cross annually mobilizes relief to the victims of more than 67,000 disasters nationwide and has been the primary supplier of lifesaving blood and blood products in the United States for more than 50 years. In 2000, the Red Cross also trained almost 12 million people in vital lifesaving skills, provided direct health services to nearly 2.6 million people and delivered more than 21 million locally relevant community services. The organization also assisted international disaster and conflict victims in close to 40 locations around the globe, and its emergency communication centers processed 1.2 million calls in support of U.S. military families. Bernadine Healy, M.D., is president and CEO of the American Red Cross.

Source: American Red Cross

© The American Red Cross and Collegiate Presswire

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