Inaugural MIT Event Features Cutting-Edge Inquiries in Key Areas of Brain Research
CAMBRIDGE, Mass.--(BW HealthWire via COLLEGIATE PRESSWIRE)--May 6, 2002--New Approaches in Neuroscience, the inaugural symposium of the McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT, will feature some of the world`s leading scientists in the fields of neuroscience, molecular neurobiology, and cognitive science. To be held in the Wong Auditorium at MIT on May 13 and 14, the symposium is free and registration is not required.
''This symposium is an exciting event for anyone who is working on the frontiers of higher brain functions in humans, '' said Phillip A. Sharp, Institute Professor and Director. ''It is organized around the cutting edges of neuroscience and will address many of the most pressing issues in the field today.''
New Approaches in Neuroscience will bring together internationally renowned scientists for this two-day event, all of whom are considered to be experts in their field. Among the noted speakers and panelists are Miguel Nicolelis of Duke University; Richard Andersen of Caltech; Mahlon R. DeLong of Emory University; Catherine Dulac of Harvard University, Nikos Logothetis of the Max-Planck Institute, and Anders Bjorklund of the Wallenberg Neuroscience Center.
Consisting of four core sessions, Novel Avenues for Electrophysiology, Genes in Neuroscience, Imaging the Brain, and Neural Stem Cells and Repair, the McGovern Symposium`s major sponsor is Merck Research Laboratories. Additional sponsors include Schering-Plough Research Institute, Amgen, Pfizer, Genzyme, and Transkaryotic Therapies.
About The McGovern Institute
The McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT is a research and teaching institute committed to advancing human understanding and communications. The goal of the McGovern Institute is to investigate and ultimately understand the biological basis of all higher brain function in humans. The McGovern Institute conducts integrated research in neuroscience, genetic and cellular neurobiology, cognitive science, computation, and related areas.
By determining how the brain works, from the level of gene expression in individual neurons to the interrelationships between complex neural networks, the McGovern Institute`s efforts will work towards improving human health, discovering the basis of learning and recognition, and enhancing education and communication. Understanding the brain will foster better ways of communicating at all levels of society, both nationally and internationally. The McGovern Institute`s work will ultimately contribute to the most basic knowledge of the fundamental mysteries of human awareness, decisions, and actions.
The event runs from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day; admission is free and registration is not required. For more information on the event and a complete listing of participants and programs: