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Attention College Students: Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales Wants You to be The Next University Wikia Leaders

Sep 26, 2006, 13:05
Press Wire > Computers
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Students Wikia launches free, fully editable go-to guide to universities across the globe--by the students, for the students

MENLO PARK, Calif.--(COLLEGIATE PRESSWIRE)--Sept. 26, 2006--Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia and Wikia, today called upon all free culture enthusiasts to establish a collaborative community for their university on Students Wikia (https://students.wikia.com).  The free, fully editable, worldwide, go-to guide to universities is looking for the people who know universities best � students like you � to become the leaders of each university wiki worldwide.  Wikia has launched an exclusive students-only wiki tool as part of university wiki that allows only students from your university to edit.  Request your own and become the founder for your school!


�Conventional resources, like university Web sites and brochures, are great for information gathering at the surface level, but for students looking for current, under-the-radar tips and tricks that only other students would know, wikis are the way to go,� said Tristan Harris, founder of .  �The beauty of creating a wiki for your university on Wikia is that anyone can check out information on your school, but only those students who�ve experienced the school, programs and �extracurricular� activities can edit the content -- meaning, you don�t have to worry about spammers.�


Jimmy Wales has experienced great success in building and launching prominent wikis, including the recently announced Campaigns Wikia, which can be found at https://campaigns.wikia.com.  Today, he is calling on all motivated, plugged in and passionate students to fill his shoes as the �Jimbo� of the next university wiki as part of Students.Wikia.com.  Building communities is quite important to Jimmy, and as such, he has pledged his time to visit and speak at the two top university wiki campuses at the end of this coming school year. 


�Communities should be nurtured, not processed, canned and forced upon people� said Jimmy Wales, founder of Wikipedia and Wikia.  �I�ve made it my mission to present people with a completely open forum to build communities based on their interests and passions.  I am inviting all those individuals who share the same enthusiasm that I do for growing communities to help lead the charge in developing wikis for their universities.�


Today, Students.Wikia.com is home to a diverse group of universities and colleges from around the world, including those in the United States, Brazil, Germany, France, Italy, and many more countries and regions.  Students Wikia is now open for contributions from all those interested in sharing their knowledge of where to go and what to do at their universities.  Please visit Students Wikia today for more information and tools to help get your university wiki started.


About Wikia, Inc.

Since the site's launch in November 2004, over 2,000 Wikia have been created and edited by over 30,000 registered users. Wikia are already available in over 45 languages. A list of Wikia can be seen at www.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_Wikia. Wikia already hosts some of the world's largest wikis outside of Wikipedia including: http:starwars.wikia.com, https://memory-alpha.org and https://world.wikia.com


In addition, Wikia currently hosts university wikis worldwide including:





Wikia enables groups to share information, news, stories, media and opinions that fall outside the scope of an encyclopedia. Jimmy Wales and Angela Beesley launched Wikia in 2004 to provide community-based wikis inspired by the model of Wikipedia -- the free, open source encyclopedia founded by Jimmy Wales.


Wikia is committed to openness, inviting anyone to contribute web content. Authors retain their own copyrights and allow others to freely reuse their content under the GNU Free Documentation License, allowing widespread distribution of knowledge and ideas.


Website: https://www.wikia.com



Annie Wilson

Bite Communications (for Wikia)

[email protected]





Sierra Lovelace

Bite Communications (for Wikia)

[email protected]


Source: Wikia, Inc.

© Wikia, Inc. and Collegiate Presswire

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