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New Book Details How to Land that First Overseas Job

Aug 21, 2007, 09:03
Press Wire > Careers
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NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE via COLLEGIATE PRESSWIRE)--Aug. 21, 2007--Working abroad can fast-track your career, increase your pay, and expand your personal horizons, according to a new book , GET AHEAD BY GOING ABROAD: A Woman's Guide to Fast-Track Career Success by C. Perry Yeatman and Stacie Nevadomski Berdan, two women who went overseas and then parlayed that experience into impressive careers.

One of the best ways today's students can differentiate themselves from their peers, therefore, is to go abroad as soon as possible - whether through study abroad, international internships or for those about to graduate, through that all important first job.

While students have been studying and traveling abroad for decades, it is more important now than ever before if you want to fast track your career and leapfrog the competition.

According to Society for Human Research Management, 69% of major American companies are planning to increase the number of people they send overseas.

"Globalization has changed the way the world works. Employers today are increasingly looking for people with international skills and experience. Surprisingly, most Americans don't have them. So, it's a definite plus on your resume if you do," say co-authors Yeatman and Berdan.

According to their research with more than 200 female professionals who spent significant time overseas, Yeatman and Berdan identify a significant link between women who break the glass ceiling and rise to the top today and those who have worked internationally:

--  85 % agreed that going overseas accelerated their careers

--  78 % agreed it had a significant impact on compensation

--  71 % agreed they were given increased responsibility earlier in their careers because of their international experience

--  53 % agreed an international experience is one of the best ways to break through the glass ceiling

Some of the many topics covered in GET AHEAD BY GOING ABROAD include:

--  Deciding whether working abroad is right for you

--  Landing an overseas assignment

--  Adjusting to a new culture and making the most of it

--  Returning successfully or taking on another exciting overseas assignment

--  Handling the personal aspects of living overseas, such as travel and dating

For more information go to www.getaheadbygoingabroad.com.

Source: Perry Yeatman

© Perry Yeatman and Collegiate Presswire

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