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Georgia State University Announces 2007 Bergeron Scholarship Recipients

Sep 10, 2007, 09:26
Press Wire > Education
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Five Women Awarded Scholarships for Demonstrating High Potential for Leadership Careers in Technology

ATLANTA--(BUSINESS WIRE via COLLEGIATE PRESSWIRE)--Sept. 10, 2007--Georgia State University's J. Mack Robinson School of Business today announced this year's recipients of the Bergeron Women in Technology Leadership Scholarship. The 2007 recipients are Da'Waisha MeShea Linder, Melissa E. Lamoureux, Fatima Akhter Jahan, Ivie Ogufere and Kia Rainey.

"We were very impressed with the caliber of all of the nominees put forward by the University and we congratulate all of the women we met," said Sandra Bergeron, chairman of the mentorship committee.

Fenwick Huss, Dean of the J. Mack Robinson School of Business, added: "Receiving a Bergeron Scholarship is truly a unique opportunity for each of these recipients. We are very grateful to Sandra and Doug Bergeron for their leadership and financial support."

The scholarship-mentorship program provides for a fully paid tuition award and a one-on-one mentorship relationship between each recipient and an individual leader from the technology industry. The program is funded through a $1 million endowment made last year by Sandra and Doug Bergeron to the university's J. Mack Robinson School of Business.

Sandra Bergeron, a graduate of Georgia State University, is one of the highest regarded female technology leaders in Silicon Valley. Mrs. Bergeron currently serves as chairman of the board of TraceSecurity, Inc. and also serves as a director of ArcSight Inc., Qualys Inc., TriCipher Inc and is a Venture Advisor to Trident Capital. Mrs. Bergeron's national reputation as a computer security thought leader has earned her several distinctions. She has testified before Congress on how government and private industry can better prepare for virus attacks and has served on the Silicon Valley Blue Ribbon Task Force on Aviation Security and Technology.

Douglas Bergeron is the chairman, CEO and largest individual shareholder of VeriFone Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: PAY). Mr. Bergeron is also chairman of the board of First Consulting Group of Long Beach, Calif. and is a director of the Multiple Sclerosis Society of San Francisco and the Bay Area. He is also a member of the Listed Company Advisory Committee of NYSE Euronext.

VeriFone, based in San Jose, California, is the worlds' largest provider of electronic payments systems and employs more than 300 high technology professionals in Georgia.

About The J. Mack Robinson College of Business

The J. Mack Robinson College of Business is one of the top-ranked business schools in the country. The College's Flex (part-time) MBA program has been listed in the top 10 by U.S. News & World Report for the past 12 years, and its undergraduate business program is ranked among the top 50 in the nation. The College's Executive MBA program is listed on The Financial Times list of the world's top ranked offerings. Georgia State University's Robinson College of Business has an enrollment of more than 7000 students and is located in downtown Atlanta. www.robinson.gsu.edu


Source: VeriFone

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