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Tell the World How You'll Change It

Apr 18, 2007, 11:32
Press Wire > Consumer
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Seventh Generation and Greenpeace Launch 2007 Activist Training Program; New Online Community Lets Public Help Choose Participants

BURLINGTON, Vt.--(BUSINESS WIRE via COLLEGIATE PRESSWIRE)--April 18, 2007--Socially conscious college students who think in terms of "How can I...?" rather than "Why don't they...?" can put their passion into action by applying to Change It, a summer student activist training program sponsored by Seventh Generation and Greenpeace that will teach participants how they can be the change they want to see in the world.

Students can apply for the program (or tell a friend) at www.changeit07.org. Now in its second year, Change It has added a new twist to the process. Visitors to the program's site can view a condensed version of all applications received to date and vote for their favorites. They can also submit and post blurbs about how they'd "Change It" to make their greatest social and environmental wishes come true. Public support will determine 10 of the 200 available slots for the camp, which takes place July 20-26 in Washington, D.C.

Seventh Generation, the folks who bring you environmentally friendly laundry detergent and recycled toilet paper, has partnered with Greenpeace to provide those 200 students with full scholarships to attend the camp, which will introduce them to Greenpeace's particular brand of environmental and social campaigning. Students will emerge from the program ready to engage in the efforts necessary
to prevent global warming and address the most critical environmental issues facing their generation.

The week-long intensive program will feature high profile trainers and guest lecturers, including Seventh Generation President Jeffrey Hollender and Greenpeace USA Executive Director John Passacantando. Last year, other key speakers included Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Lois Gibbs, Executive Director of the Center for Health Environment and Justice, and Julius Walls, CEO of Greyston Bakery.

At Change It 2006, participants used their newfound knowledge of nonviolent protest techniques to form a human arrow pointed at the U.S. Capitol, anchored by a sign reading "Global Warming Stops Here." Graduates of last year's program have gone on to organize on-campus global warming pledge drives, Earth Day events and congressional outreach initiatives. Some are also working with university administrators to develop ethical purchasing and green building policies.

About Seventh Generation

Seventh Generation is committed to becoming the world's most trusted brand of authentic, safe, and environmentally responsible products for a healthy home. For nearly 20 years, the closely held Burlington, Vermont company has been at the forefront of a cultural change in consumer behavior and business ethics. One of the country's first self-declared "socially responsible" companies, Seventh Generation is a business that operates according to a new and different set of principles and values that in many ways are a marked departure from those long considered "traditional." For information on Seventh Generation cleaning, paper, baby and feminine personal care products and to find store locations, visit www.seventhgeneration.com.

About Greenpeace

Greenpeace is the leading independent campaigning organization that uses peaceful direct action and creative communication to expose global environmental problems and to promote solutions that are essential to a green and peaceful future. For more information, visit www.greenpeace.org.

Source: Seventh Generation

© Seventh Generation and Collegiate Presswire

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